Thursday, August 30, 2007

Washed Up: Me

Today at lunch there was one of those Thursday music things at the square. It was some totally average pop bar band playing some forgettable music. But the great part was there was one lone guy dancing in front of the stage, massively overweight, holding two bandannas so he could swing them around for emphasis. But the important part is that he was black, and had Down's Syndrome. I don't think I'd ever seen that before. It made me happy. Not that he had Down's Syndrome or that black people also can have developmental disorders, but that I got to see something I hadn't seen before. Plus he was having a lot of fun dancing. And I had to go back to work. So Kudos to him.

That makes me think of an interesting moral question:
If a lion that was twice as big as a normal lion were to fight a 3/4 sized shark made entirely of metal, which animal would win? For arguments sake assume that both animals are of the same sex, and that the metal shark could move, it wouldn't just be a statue. It would also be able to walk on land or the tiger and the shark could have a best of three match with one match on land, one on water, and one in some sort of combo location. Like a swamp. Or in an above ground swimming pool like poor people buy that's only 3 feet high.

Updated: 3:37 PM Friday

Holy Cow, Deja Vu!



Blogger The Cruise said...

Something else that wasn't worth being in the main post, but definitely worth being in the comments:

Also at the square there was a young woman who was developmentally disabled, totally unable to care for herself in a powered wheelchair. Her aid was pouring a Mt Dew from an advanced height into her open mouth. It struck me that either a differently abled person would even request a Mt Dew for the caffeine that would make them all jittery, or that the aid was being a jerk and making them drink a really nasty soda.
probably the former, since it wasn't a Mt Dew Code Red.

3:51 PM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

Wow...even in your travels through perceptual motors, you never saw these permutations in the differently abled/developmentally disabled/slow advanced/advanced slow/backward cognitive progression/enduring freedom...oh hell, what is the appropriate term for any of this?

2:11 PM  

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