I know what we need more of: class participation.
This post will stay up top for all of October, because it's important to keep it fresh in your mind.
What we're going to do here is keep track of all of our alcoholic drinks for the month. Just print out the handy dandy scorecard below and put it in your wallet. Then, whenever you take a drink, mark it with a big x. At the end of the month, post your scores in the comments and we can get a good base reading of the people that read this.
I really would like everyone to post by November first. I don't ask for much, I just ask for a detailed summary of our collective drinking problems.

We are not talking individual drinks/gulps, we are talking about full drinks (ie. bottles/pints of beer, shots, mixed drinks), right?
What do sake and port fall under?
I don't think I want to know people who drink port.
That's why I didn't put crap down like "mead" or "smirnoff ice"
sake is ok I guess. mark it under wine.
Sake is beer. It is made of rice, the main ingredient of most macros (like your beloved High Life).
I want a week by week analysis. Mostly because I want to hear exactly how much you drink at Brent's inlaw's house. Also I think everyone should put notes on their cards. "After 7 drinks I took off my underwear and put it on my head. After 10 drinks I was lying supine under a table." Stuff like that.
I think I'm around 9 for 4 days. That's healthy, right?
I would put Port in the wine category
I would port in the sink.
Down the drain.
Port is an alcoholic's drink. Wine, but with booze in it!
I like it.
I have one of those mega-bottles of cheap sake and a bottle of port on the end table by my la-z-boy. But movies have taught me that if you want to be a real alcoholic you've got to drink scotch. I'm not there yet....I'm still in a bourbon phase.
BTW, if you look on the back of a vermouth bottle, it will suggest that you drink it on the rocks. Are they kidding? Who drinks that crap? Here's Winston Churchill's martini recipe:
1. Shake gin in a cocktail shaker with cracked ice.
2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and look at the bottle of vermouth.
3. Garnish with olive.
Just as long as you don't end up as an end stage alcoholic. They drink generic mouthwash.
Through Ten days (including a drunken weekend and Brent's in-law's)
-12 bottles/pints of beers
-2 glass wine
-7 mixed drinks
-6 shots whiskey
2nd Quarterly Report:
My roommate and I have been pounding them down this month. Just trying to keep this tally respectable.
When I was little, this neighborhood kid boldly walked into the Haunted House on our block thinking that the rest of us were right behind him. In actuality, we pretended to follow him up the front steps, but had silently doubled back. A couple feet through the door he realized he was left high and dry... nightmares for weeks.
I hope I'm not like that with this alcohol survey. Y'all better be drinking too or else my liver will have nightmares till Christmas.
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