you always remember the first time

My first varsity tennis match was against Greenhills as a sophomore. The only reason I got to play them was because it was the Friday before spring break and all the seniors had left school early.
My first goal in organized hockey was against the Flying Elvises. They had beaten us about four times in a row, but I snaked in a garbage goal off a rebound to tie it up in the second period. I flipped in a second goal in the third period off an almost identical rebound to give us the 3-2 edge, which lead to us winning the division. Those would be my only two goals ever scored in intramural college hockey.
My first real layout D in ultimate came against Toledo in college sectionals during my first tournament. It was on the front come of the endzone, and it would have been a catch, if I hadn’t been landed on by the Toledo player. He called a foul on me to save face even though he contacted me after I had already ht the ground. It was our only win of the tournament.
But in the past few weeks, I probably had my most important sports moment of my career.
I’ve never played basketball in any other setting than pick up games. Except for the city league team that we put together with a former D-1 player, a former D-3 player and a current D- college linebacker. I have no idea what I was supposed to be doing on that team, other than it helps to be good friends with your friends. It was sort of like an amateur Steve Scheffler, or just the guy who always remembers to bring the ref fee.
Anyway, at pickup basketball the other day I had my most amazing moment on the court. Better than getting nuts in my face when dunked on back in college, better than blocking a 6’5 guy, better than somehow touching the rim after an Indian Hill game when Sean Urk bet me I couldn’t, better than hitting two free throws to ice a game…
The people at pick up Chose My Ball. For the first time in my life, the ball that I own was determined to be the best one there.
Every bounce sounded like a timpani from heaven
Labels: it's a wilson ncaa composite
Did they let you play with them also?
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