Back in the Saddle

Took a break from the holiday, not that I got a vacation, I still had to work.
But at least I got to thinking about President's Day, and how it's sort of like Precedence Day as well. What with how the President helps choose the SCOTUS, which is like a scrotum which isn't appropriate for kid's books. Also some guys fell off Mt. Hood and Britney had a nervous breakdown.
That about covers last week's news.
bonus poll: Who was the worst president ever?* Only choose American presidents, I never did much research on the Russian Presidents.
*Besides GB2. He doesn't count, it's like voting for favorite star, The Sun is far and away #1, so you have to pick something else.
Reagan...made a huge push into neoliberal economics, rise of religious right as a dominant component of conservative politics, stole credit for fall of Soviet Union.
Why is there a picture of the Z-Machine? Probably the coolest looking fusion reactor today. The hi-res shot is definitely worth a gander. The thing itself is huge.
Damnit! Why can't I work on anything cool like that.
Not a fusion reactor...there are no actual fusion reactors. This just produces enough power to study fusion. Nuclear reactors are fission reactors. We can control fission reactions, but not fusion reactions, even though large and hopeful advancements are occurring in fusion.
I always hated Jackson.
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