i'm all agog right now

It's like part nervous, part anxious, and part hungry. All three emotions.
I know both the readers live here, so there will be no tales of lines at the polling stations. Dropping a ballot off is a pretty sweet deal. Nice job OR. Anybody have a comment on voting? I don't. Except I guess in lots of places you get a starbucks drink if you have an "I voted" sticker. That's kind of bad for us here in mail in land, but I don't like coffee much anyway.
I normally shoot hoops on Tuesday night, but it might get called off due to lack of numbers. Most of the guys that play at this game work in the banking industry. I don't know if they swing red or blue really. I always assume white basketball players are Republicans, but you never can tell. They probably think the same about me.
Hell, most of you won't read this until about three weeks from now. Hope it's good news by then, right?
Labels: i want to get drunk tonight
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