The Masses

What is the most important thing in natrual selection/evolution? This is a trick question since most will say how well suited a species is to its environment. The reality is that it is populations size, or in other words how widespread a given mutation becomes. Even the best suited species cannot compete against large numbers of average suited species. human existance what is the most important trait; the ability to critically reason or the ability to blindly follow. I will acknowledge that for this discussion I assume that these are genetic characteristics even though this is not fundamental to the argument. It would be assumed that a human that can critically observe its surroundings and make learned decisions would be the most successful...yes, if it was a one on one struggle with a human that had a lesser ability to do this (also assuming this does not include mortal combat). However, people who are more easy to manipulate (whether genetic or human produced), act in large masses and are quick to act compared to the reasoned individual. Does this then mean that in human society, the lockstep mass movements of those that are lesser critical thinkers will triumph over the rag tag poderers? human existance what is the most important trait; the ability to critically reason or the ability to blindly follow. I will acknowledge that for this discussion I assume that these are genetic characteristics even though this is not fundamental to the argument. It would be assumed that a human that can critically observe its surroundings and make learned decisions would be the most successful...yes, if it was a one on one struggle with a human that had a lesser ability to do this (also assuming this does not include mortal combat). However, people who are more easy to manipulate (whether genetic or human produced), act in large masses and are quick to act compared to the reasoned individual. Does this then mean that in human society, the lockstep mass movements of those that are lesser critical thinkers will triumph over the rag tag poderers?
Uh, yes, as proven in the last two Presidential elections.
damn, is this because i joined facebook?
sorry i'm such a lemming.
NO, Kyle...something I was pondering in human evolution....but it does apply.
I heard on the radio that there is supposedly a Republican operative coming forward who has the evidence of how the Republicans have stolen elections since 2000 through, among other tactics, electronic voting machines. Should be interesting if this is true.
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who cares about those past elections.
it's all water under the bridge.
i'm more concerned now about how obama is popular and well spoken. that's bullshit, i want my politicians to be inarticulate and dumb as posts. i think they should be incompetent and mumble when speaking in public.
i also heard that obama thinks we can lower the price of gas by buying new tires!
that guy is crazy, thank god for fox showing me the light.
You goddamn ivory tower elitist...with your snarky sarcasm and all your questions and knowledge. How dare you! I close my eyes like the child god knows me to be when I pray and that is how I will live my life...eyes closed saying, "god help me!" This is my right and destiny as an American...commie bastard. Go back to Commyland!
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