Monday, October 31, 2005

So you've decided to observe daylight savings

Saturday I honored Rorshack.
I went to a Halowen party dressed like Juan Epstein.
It was so obtuse, even I didn't get it.
But I looked good, ask around.

Then, next day.
I'm all what? It's not 10, it's 9?
That's right, I had to get up and go to work on Sunday so's I took advantage of the DLT.
What is the deal with it? You get al lthinking it's dark it's light, later and sooner.
It sucks to get off work when it's dark. It's okay to go to work when it's dark, but come December when it's both, then I'm just all used up. I would probably be that guy who doesn't make it inside the arctic circle. Ten kinds of too many pills and up the street not round the block if it was always dark. A year is like a day there. But longer, like a year long.
So what's the solution here right?
Figure this:
1-use the DTL. Things stay the same, that's a pro.
The con is: things stay the same.
2-banish it.
The con is that we'd be like Indiana. And screw Indiana. It's a stupid stupid state.
Switch it back like a half hour all year. Then it's always a half hour better, or only a half hour worse.

In conclusion.
Who farms anymore anyway?
Robots? WTF?
And really, people would save more money, or spend more or something if we made it longer?
Congress you are for shit. 2007 is stupid, I don't believe you.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

scot-tay, we made the blog! honored by the author anyhow...

I can only begin to express how eff'ed up I am with time. Go forward 3 hours, the game starting horn blows and the clock says 9:30 - but my clock says it's 6:30. three days later finally more or less adjusted, only to fall back an hour, sleep is good, wind is well, windy... get on a plane and fall back 3 hours, arrive in portland - the clock says it's 12:30, feels like its 3:30 but really maybe it's 1:30/4:30?... luckily I couldn't really sleep past 9am/10am [errr 6am/7am], because my alarm didn't go off at 6:15 since I set it, but didn't turn it on...

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk about W/R$ making the finals at "Champies", and no talk about Good Times taking 5th at Pumpkin Pull?!? Okay, so it's not that significant. But I bet we had sweeter costumes.

The last Portland team we sent was Pigs in Space in 2000 (no I don't count Kibosh as a true Portland team) and they didn't snag any wins, so this is really huge. And they did it without Mark.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Cruise is leaving town manana and nothing new for the kids....

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so rude. leaving us here with an already near week old post...

maybe we'll get tales of the midwest from him while he's gone?

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH, I heard he got a handblock! Was it with the claw?

1:39 PM  

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