Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Apologize

Over the years that you've known me I've said some really stupid stuff.

Talked out of my ass.

Made some assertions that were untrue. Probably with enough forethought to have them actually considered lies.

I lied. The things I said were uncalled for, and I don't know why I said them

So here I take it back.

All those times that you asked me what my favorite band was, I was full of it.
Husker Du, Pixies, Velvet Underground, Fugazi, Public Enemy. Heck if you knew me long enough ago, you'd probably remember when I swore RC Mob was the greatest band ever. Now I have to just come right out and say it. That the Talking Heads are the greatest band of all time.
No contest.
I'm sorry I was untruthful.

"Oh the boys want to talk.
Would like to talk about those problem
And the girls say they're concerned (that they are)
Concerned with decisiveness."
-Talking Heads


Blogger The Cruise said...

Weak attempt at hiding shit.

My brother was hanging out with me this weekend and he told me about how by some twist of fate, his exgirlfriend from college and her husband were stationed at the same national park in California this summer. Sort of weird since they're both from Ohio.
Anyway, they got to hash stuff out that had been unsaid for 12 years. He said it was weird because one twist here or there and they would still be together. Grad school in the arctic circle doesn't really jive with Peace Corp in Bali. He says he wished that I could have gotten that chance with my parrallel girl.

She would have been 32 today. I don't think I've gone 12 waking hours with out thinking about her since 1992. It's not not exaggerating to say that any decent personality trait I have was brought out by her. I still miss you Griff.

9:43 PM  

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