Thursday, January 05, 2006

2005 is the year that was

We lost some great people this past year; the black sidekick from Spencer for Hire, Bea Arthur, former Buffalo Bill’s coach Marv Levy. Famous people do indeed go in threes.
We’ll miss you all. Equally. Some politicians also died, but they were overshadowed by people who didn’t die. Or were already dead. Sort of like how Trimet buses are making a big deal about Rosa Park’s anniversary of her not dieing but getting famous. It’s sort of like XXXXXXXX*1. I mean really, can I get a whatwhat?

One person we won’t miss, or won’t miss more.
Or will miss now finally, is Tupac. Tupac has been dead now for 10 years, but since he released a new album every year until this one, it was hard to think of him as dead. For years, many notable Conspiracy Theorists surmised that Tupac was still alive. This was because they were wrong. His rhymes were all blatantly old. Trying to front on current events be about Newt Gingrich all up in the Hizzouse. Anyway, my main source on this insider info was none other than my old friend “Louie.”*2 So while his Tupac info was shaky, based mainly on shoddy albums released by his moms, and a couple lines in Macchiavelli’s “The Prince” that he was making inferences from , he did have another piece of insider stock that intrigued me.
That’s right, FUBU urban market apparel.
FUBU, perhaps an acronym of For Us, By Us*3, always puts the number 05 on its athletic apparel. Louie was kind enough to inform me that the 05 stood for 2005, the year when the race war would start. Thankfully he was wrong a second time.

And that is what I am thankful for in the past year.


*1 This was a really good analogy, but I had to delete it because of Godwin’s Law.




This article is the funniest thing here. Because it reads like one giant inside joke to me.
Good lookin’ out Louie!*4 Keep it real.*5

*3 hence the remarkable guerrilla marketing perpetrated by LL Cool J in his GAP ad.

*4 Louie, as in Louis, as in Lewis. Nicknames from 2nd grade don’t always make sense.

*5 My favorite Louie catchphrase is “Oh, THIS is the Jam.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh...Levy ain't dead. I assume you had some other meanin'?

11:38 AM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

dan anderson said...
Uh...Levy ain't dead. I assume you had some other meanin'?

None of them are dead.
It was trick #2 of my 3 trick pony method of humor.

5:04 PM  

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