Tuesday, December 20, 2005

This is falling apart.

So Ma Bell calls me up and says, want to go get some Pho?
I say Yeah.
It's two blocks from my house, I can't turn it down.

In a pusillanimous occurence, we both arrive at the same time.
Well, within a minute. Max.

We just talked the usual jibber jabber, pretty much about how his team will poach all of my team's best players for next year. Now I know what pops into your head right away.
How can PFN poach the captain? And you're right, I am the best.
Best like a serious Heart Attack. The kid where you lose your breath and your left arm hurts. That's my game.
I say that even though I'm the Best, I'm not really the best. It's all about pegs, holes, and the relative squareness and roundness of them both.*
For example; I'm not the best. By a longshot.

But then again, I was eating cow intestines in broth the whole time I was thinking of this tangent.
So where do you end up? In a circle. Back at the beginning.

But the last comment on this blog was from Rain.

How she found it, I can't tell. It's Full Circle though.
And I worked at a firm called Full Circle in Chicago.
Coincidence, or fact?

So the real point, is that not only is she really cute, by checking out her link I found out that you can have multiple publishers on this blog. So I'm opening it up. Email me if you want to control the content. Work is busy enough that I can't do this everyday. Obviously.

Then I thought about Transformers.

Why won't this work? This dialogue has shortcomings. We should all be like the Autobots and do this together.

* google "Square Pegs Sarah Jessica Parker"
I love Canadia.


Blogger The Cruise said...

The topics.
These can be split up so each contributor has his/her own special corner, or everyone can post wilynilly wher ethey want.

These are the topics we need to establish.

1-Hypothetical questions.
"Would you have demeaning gay sex with a famous Republican if it meant they would lose a re-election bid."

2-Person review.
There are enough movie/music/televison/book review sites out there.
I want had hitting journalism reviews of people.
What do you think of the really loud older lady cashier at Safeway?
The public needs to know.

3-Corporate whistleblower.
Who refuses to flush at your office? We need grassroots solutions to these problems.

4-How to Live Strategy
If your socks are uncomfortable, do yo uthrow them out? Even if they're not technically worn out yet? Everyone knows that athletic strategy comments are pendantic, let's talk about to solve real life problems.

Those are just samples, come up with your own.

2:05 PM  
Blogger T-Unit said...

I should have a corner about cartoons. I watch enough of them. How about: things that annoyed you today. Or maybe I'll just post whatever I feel like.

I think posting willy nilly is better.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the person review.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Raindog said...

Opening it up, huh? AKA enlisting a bunch of cooks to spoil the soup. Where would we be without an uninterrupted stream of defeatist diatribes? Just a loud used TV display where no one's listening to each other.

But as long as you're heading in that direction, how 'bout a City Guide. I can do it, since I don't know anything about Portland and I'd probably be the only one interested in reading it anyway. I'll do a little research and only use the least reliable sources in my reports.

Grandma's favorite bar, Little Brother's electronics resale hookup. Good tips like that should make BirdFlaggers proud.

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so now there are 2 of you who should be writing, 3 if you get Ash to do people reviews... and still there is nothing new for me to read?

hope you had a merry festivus!

10:22 AM  

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