16 shells from a 30 ought 6
It’s been a rough week ‘round here boys. What with mortality and the whole ten. Poor choices maybe, or just reminding yourself of what never worked. Gets so a guy thinks too much. Here’s the one thing I was thinking about. Time.
That’s it. The passage of time.
Alright, I’ll expand.
It’s like the name of the decade makes a big deal. Back last century this decade was the oughts. Not like you “ought to do something”, but more like ought meant zero. So this was like “ought six” back 100 years. Think about that, what was ought five like? Last year or what? Also, it’s like the zero throws you. 1906 seems like a long time ago. 1887 doesn’t. I mean it seems really long timey ago, but not that bad. It’s like Thomas Edison and what not. No big thing. Do you feel that way too? Or is it just me? It’s almost the two thousand and teens. That’s the future, but today. I don’t like it. Really, just think about the timing. And it is all about timing, like how I’m really feeling stupid for totally missing out on peep season. What was I thinking? And time keeps moving, but everything stays the same. Like fractal bear. You can’t ex-scape.

Worsed case ontario, who would be the least obvious celebrity you would sleep with?
I don’t mean someone nasty, to make us laugh, or someone obviously hot like Jennifer Connelly or Cyndi Lauper (that’s just a time after time reference though. Or inside shout out)
But if you were in a bar, and a celebrity came up to you and hit on you, which celebrity would you be totally psyched to hook up with, and no one would expect it?
Mine would be Missy Elliot. I think she’d be fun in the sack.
That’s it. The passage of time.
Alright, I’ll expand.
It’s like the name of the decade makes a big deal. Back last century this decade was the oughts. Not like you “ought to do something”, but more like ought meant zero. So this was like “ought six” back 100 years. Think about that, what was ought five like? Last year or what? Also, it’s like the zero throws you. 1906 seems like a long time ago. 1887 doesn’t. I mean it seems really long timey ago, but not that bad. It’s like Thomas Edison and what not. No big thing. Do you feel that way too? Or is it just me? It’s almost the two thousand and teens. That’s the future, but today. I don’t like it. Really, just think about the timing. And it is all about timing, like how I’m really feeling stupid for totally missing out on peep season. What was I thinking? And time keeps moving, but everything stays the same. Like fractal bear. You can’t ex-scape.

Worsed case ontario, who would be the least obvious celebrity you would sleep with?
I don’t mean someone nasty, to make us laugh, or someone obviously hot like Jennifer Connelly or Cyndi Lauper (that’s just a time after time reference though. Or inside shout out)
But if you were in a bar, and a celebrity came up to you and hit on you, which celebrity would you be totally psyched to hook up with, and no one would expect it?
Mine would be Missy Elliot. I think she’d be fun in the sack.
Soleil Moon Frye, but only if I could call her "Punky".
First of all, I don't like the fractal bear. It creeps me out.
Second of all, Antonio Banderas because he's totally not my type at all and I don't find him the least bit sexy but somehow I think he'd be a trip to sleep with.
Chelsea Clinton while her daddy was president. I would have taxed that booty like the government! I will add another one since she had lost her start power in my eyes.
Presently, Serena Williams. The cat suit, that's all I have to say about that!
Hey Carrie, way to pick that one. He's not one of the hottest men alive or anything. That's like picking any of the men that currently play for the Jets.
Daniel, you're cut.
The Jets
What?! It's not like I picked Brad Pitt or anything. Now that would be obvious.
All the guys on the Jets are too skinny...
Yeah, the guys on "the Jets" are on the extremly skinny side.......
it's good for the body image of us big booty girls, you know -- "hey your leg is like the size of my bicep!"
That aside -- I'd do Reggie Bush. I love me some professional athletes. (No offense to skinny ultimate players) ;)
The Bush sisters! They are little drunks like their father and once you get a party girl drunk, you can put it in her butt; and then take out you frustrations with the administration on quasi-innocence.
Also, Brittany Spears...I think she is only Covington, KY strip club hot at her made up best and what she stands for in society makes me a bit angry and therefore loose any inhibitions of the subconsious. Sometimes good sex is psychological...sometimes. Maybe I am just talking about dirty sex.
The correct answer was:
Steve Buschemi.
or Rachel Ray from the Food Network. You all failed.
What if I take back my other answer and go with any chick from the old GIJoe cartoon.
Cover Girl was a professional model who drove a tank covered in rocket launchers.
Scarlet was a fiery Redhead with a chest covered in rocket launchers.
But if you said you wanted to bone Baroness, that's a great answer.
Uh...yeah. Of course I was speaking of Baroness!
Rachel Ray strikes me as being kind of "clingy".
I would do Rachel Ray without even thinking about it.
I can't stop watching the f 'n bears. Its driving me crazy.
I'll do Rachel Ray. Ya, she's clingy but she's also the type to wake you in bed on a Sat. morning with a fresh batch of choco chip cookies. She's crazy like that. You know what I'm say'n the kind that sit and stare at you when you're asleep.
Man, I forgot about the Bush twins! I don't know about the whole doing up the pooper thang. That's kind of weird. When it comes down to it, that's even more reason why I could never sleep with Matthew McConaughey. Now that I've completely disgusted Suds and any other person except Kyle, I'll go now.
I was mixing my social and political commentary. On one hand I cannot stand the political leadership and on the other hand it is troubling what activities younger women are engaging in that further subjugate them in society. Oral and anal STDs are on the rise in teens...linked to abstinance only education programs. Anyway...the Bush twins linke these two issues in my mind.
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