Friday was a Day out of Sorts

I woke up like always, leaving myself about 30 minutes to be late to work by 10 minutes. There was only a slight need for a shower since I had one roughly 7 hours ago before I slept, so I skipped it and took a Piqua Shower. Then I had the most important decision of the day. Do I eat a normal breakfast, or just go ahead and eat that big piece of fried chicken? You know the answer to that. I ate the chicken and watched video clips on the internet of people getting hit in the nards.
Next time you try and do something, anything involving physical activity, don't let it be filmed. That only ends in agony.
At work I don't remember a damn thing. Probably just did some drafting, emailed some jokes'njokes. It's the kind a thing that happens.
After work is where I ramped into high gear. Or low gear, just with more gas. It's the intensity of my hanging out aspect that I'm concerned about more than the actual gear ratio as determined by science. The weather was pretty nice, so I sat inside and ate more fried chicken, and downloaded Toto songs off the internet. Why Toto? because Toto wrote all the good tunes on Thriller that's why. It's smooth music. I also worked on getting some Mr. Mister. This was a mess. Every damn user was cock blocking me from listening to "Kyrie". It became my number one priority to listen to that song by the end of the night. Or should I say "Through the darkness of the night!" I listened to Toto's "Africa" and Mr. Mister's "Broken Wings" to quench my thirst for "Kyrie". Eventually I got it downloaded. Two hours of work paid off.
It took a long time to get my fix (that reminds me, I should download some Fixx later tonight. Or maybe Styx.) but it took even longer for Danimal to show up to return my cds that he was ipodding, and then even longer than that for him to burn some more shit of mine. I think I bumped up 17 spots on the RIAAs most wanted list that night.
After all that rigamarole, I went out with friends and drank some beer. Nothing worth mentioning about it. 4 people, beers, waking up the roommates with my bike light, nothing everyone here hasn't done a billion times before.

Toto was my first concert.
The Hult Center for the Performing Arts.
6th grade.
Me, my best friend Megan and her dad, Dr. Carey.
It never occurred to me until right this second that maybe it should have felt a little creepy that Dr. Carey was really into Toto...the concert was his idea.
Megan's dad spent most of the show getting lit at the lobby bar while Megan and I got our groove on in the 6th row, devising a plan to hit up Anthony Taylor (UofO b-ball player) for his autograph without looking completely uncool.
We failed miserably.
Oh, sure we got the autograph.
But we were only as cool as being a Catholic school 6th grader in the mid-eighties would allow you to be...utterly not.
This is a little off topic but I like what Tree has started. My first concert was the Scorpions in 7th grade at the Coliseum. My best friend Robyn and I went and were so excited that we got stoned by second-hand smoke. I got grounded after that concert for coming home after 11:30.
I heard that the Black Crows are playing up at the Clark County Amphitheater this weekend. I imagine the same people will be in attendance who were at the Scorpions concert 24 years ago, same hair, same clothing, only more wrinkled. No, I'm not going.
My first show was the Pogues when I was 16. Shane had just gotten out of jail, and passed out on stage during the encore.
It was awesome, and filled me with a love of live music.
I refuse to count seeing Phil Dirt and the Dozers at the Ashland County fair as a real concert. I'll be damned if I let a Shananana cover band be the memory of my first exposure to rock gigs.
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