My world is shatnered

While Kyle was overreacting to his interweb plug being pulled, my own world has been shatnered. You probably think I am going to throw out some more 9/11 gobbleygook, but this is more serious to the survival of mankind. MiniKiss and MiniCrue are the same minipeople! I am going to jump off a minibuilding.
Check out the buffalo stances. How can a minitribute band that doesn't play their own instruments open for themselves? Pulling double duty. they double up on the pay or get the same for their gigs? If they do double up, does this only add up to regular scale because they were only receiving half scale. Pretty clever, those mini fake muscians...gotta watch em!

There should be a mini-Geto Boys, then they could get a mini midget to play an 8" tall Bushwick Bill.
sweet. OR...would they have to get a regi-bushwick? I just blew your mind!
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