Quit denying the Boogie
Last week was all messed up. The end of it at least. After practice Thursday we went to Missahippy Pizza and got some pizza. Rids stone cold called me weak for drinking Hilife, like it’s some kind of kid beer. What-Evs. Then right as I was about to leave, some dude got up to do some hippity hop, and I hesitated. He starts singing, and I leave, then I look like el Racistisimo. I stay, I lose my ride. The obvious choice was to stand up strong and right as the guy starts his set, lower my head/raise one fist/shout black panthers 4 ever!
Interlude: Larry B. Scott should be more famouser.
He's dope.
Friday I come in to work. Taped on the door is an eviction notice. Frat guys are supposed to get evicted. Horselike people from Colorado are supposed to get evicted. Telemarketing scam offices are supposed to get evicted. Architecture firms that have been in the same location for 31 years are not supposed to get evicted. So packing all my shit and hauling other folks shit has been my modus operandi for the week. Hence my incommunicado serioso por la todo telemundo.
Friday night I unwound by listening to Kevin Kline play the oud, a lute from before the lute was around. An oud is a 5000 year old instrument.
The Oud
To put some perspective on that, the electric guitar has been around for 71, almost as long as Keith Richards.
The Ax
It was really interesting, and the people I went with are fabulous folks.
Thanks for telling me about it, I'm glad I went.

Saturday I don’t want to ramble about, but I met some girl that I tried to ignore because she looked like a dead ringer for my ex girlfriend. Same sunglasses, haircut, skirt and top, had some random injury just like her. Similar speech patterns too. Well, I try to keep my distance, but she keeps flirting* with me, and then invites me to come to her house for a cookout. I mention it sounds nice, and then she says “I have to go now to meet up with my boyfriend.”
People are weird.
* I know flirting, it happens very rarely to me, so I do know when it happens.
Interlude: Larry B. Scott should be more famouser.

Friday I come in to work. Taped on the door is an eviction notice. Frat guys are supposed to get evicted. Horselike people from Colorado are supposed to get evicted. Telemarketing scam offices are supposed to get evicted. Architecture firms that have been in the same location for 31 years are not supposed to get evicted. So packing all my shit and hauling other folks shit has been my modus operandi for the week. Hence my incommunicado serioso por la todo telemundo.
Friday night I unwound by listening to Kevin Kline play the oud, a lute from before the lute was around. An oud is a 5000 year old instrument.
The Oud
To put some perspective on that, the electric guitar has been around for 71, almost as long as Keith Richards.
The Ax
It was really interesting, and the people I went with are fabulous folks.
Thanks for telling me about it, I'm glad I went.

Saturday I don’t want to ramble about, but I met some girl that I tried to ignore because she looked like a dead ringer for my ex girlfriend. Same sunglasses, haircut, skirt and top, had some random injury just like her. Similar speech patterns too. Well, I try to keep my distance, but she keeps flirting* with me, and then invites me to come to her house for a cookout. I mention it sounds nice, and then she says “I have to go now to meet up with my boyfriend.”
People are weird.
* I know flirting, it happens very rarely to me, so I do know when it happens.
That guy, Kevin Cline, was at Gabe's documentary about trauma victims at Cinemagic last Thursday. There was a part about him, Kevin Cline, in the documentary. He's actually a Grammy nominated musician that escaped the Saddam regime to join our more friendly regime.
So you read my post, then purposely spelled kevin kline's name wrong. Twice. Why? What is your problem? Is it some kind of joke to you?
Kelvin Kind...Keben Klein...Ckevan Cline...Keven Cleinn...take that!
Birdflag, it's me we're talking about! I'm just a dummy. See, I actually just spelled dummy "dunny" before I caught my mistake, really. Some day you'll measure up to Dave Barry.
The Oud, huh? Funny, I saw someone playing an oud at the Wonder ballroom last Sunday evening. At one point I even yelled our, 'Rock that Oud'. Some people laughed, others sat on their hands, just like during Stephen (Steven?) Collbert's roast of GW.
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