The Cactus with Handsome Boy

I must update you all on a quality program being offered by VH1. I originally saw a snippit of a commercial for it and scoffed, but accidentially stumbled upon it and am a regular viewer. It is call "Ego Trips/The (White) Rapper Show". The show is your standard elimination "reality" competition to find the next white rapper which will win $100,000. This is the premise at which I originally scoffed. However....drum roll....the producers landed MC Search of 3rd Bass (perhaps the most reputable white rap duo of their time) and legendary rap producer Prince Pa-haul (his production of De La Soul's innagural album changed the direction of rap albums) as host and regular contributer. This duo may not be necessary nor sufficient for this show to capture an audience, but it works. It seems they like to use the contestants as guinney pigs, some of which are descent, and poke fun at the overall idea of the show. It works in many respects.
What it all comes down to 1. I love Prince Paul/Native Tongues and anything related, 2. I really like 3rd Bass (I liked Prime Minister Pete Nice) being a white kid who only liked rap at one point in my life, and 3. I fancy myself an undercover MC. I am 33 years old and I freestyle during the breaks of everysong I listen to...when I am alone or with my daughters.
Prime Minister, Sinister, Pete. Nice. nicenicenicenice.
I also liked the DjDaddyRich and Pete Nice album "Dust to Dust".
3rd Bass were sweet. Only weird thing about them: they used to rip on the Beastie Boys, but they SAMPLED the Beastie Boys. And, obviously, the BB had the last laugh.
In the early days...the Beastie Boys got no PUBLIC respect from many black rap artists and listeners...this also transferred to white listeners that considered themselves bonafide. I was ridiculed on my soccer team because I liked me some Beasties, even though they were not yet my favs, because I was evidentially not down with rap. I think 3rd Bass fell into the trap of needing to "dis" (I am pretty hip) other white rappers to solidify their authenticity. Brutal competition. Pop Goes the Weasel. I also never liked Search's dancing....I did not respect many dancing rappers.
Dust to Dust was a damn good album.
"Yo, that's Daddy Rich's car, you ever watch him on TV?" Movie this was quoted from?
easy one, but worth asking.
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