Fixing things on the fly like Dirk Benedict
I'm sure you all want to hear tales of my visit to the midwest for new years.
My homecoming anecdotes are always hilarious, aren't they.
so here goes.
We saw Louis Andersen at the Minnesota airport. My ex got married and looked very happy. We came home. How do you like that wrap up?
Pretty cold huh? pretty short?
That's because I came home to a busted fridge. A busted fridge that made me throw out over 300 dollars worth of food.
But you know what I did? I fixed it. That's right, no thanks to no help from Dabone, and my miserly refusal to pay Standard TV and Appliance 70 dollars for a site visit and 12 dollars for every ten minutes of on site time, I got the thing runing again.
It turns out there is a special part called the compressor starter that can be replaced with a 3-in-1. It's like the liver, or the spleen of a fridge. So now my fridge has a pacemaker all crazy wired in there. It should be breaking again in 3 months or so I guess, because this is the first electrical device that I have ever taken apart and gotten working again.

The aftermath, the first ice cube comes out! Full Success.
"Civilization is Ice"-Allie Fox

Only problem now, is I have a severe case of Frat Boy Fridge. That is an embarassment to my culinary tastes. Doesn't everything look lonely?
My homecoming anecdotes are always hilarious, aren't they.
so here goes.
We saw Louis Andersen at the Minnesota airport. My ex got married and looked very happy. We came home. How do you like that wrap up?
Pretty cold huh? pretty short?
That's because I came home to a busted fridge. A busted fridge that made me throw out over 300 dollars worth of food.
But you know what I did? I fixed it. That's right, no thanks to no help from Dabone, and my miserly refusal to pay Standard TV and Appliance 70 dollars for a site visit and 12 dollars for every ten minutes of on site time, I got the thing runing again.
It turns out there is a special part called the compressor starter that can be replaced with a 3-in-1. It's like the liver, or the spleen of a fridge. So now my fridge has a pacemaker all crazy wired in there. It should be breaking again in 3 months or so I guess, because this is the first electrical device that I have ever taken apart and gotten working again.
The aftermath, the first ice cube comes out! Full Success.
"Civilization is Ice"-Allie Fox
Only problem now, is I have a severe case of Frat Boy Fridge. That is an embarassment to my culinary tastes. Doesn't everything look lonely?
Please describe the smell of the inside of the fridge when you got back before you threw away the food.
You might not believe this, but it was really just at the point where everything had melted. So it hadn't really spoiled yet. Well, I had some turkey in a tupperware container and I knew that was bad news, so I just tossed the whole container.
Sorry about the lack of odor LJs.
When I read the title of this post & the mention of Dirk, I got really excited. He went to my college. He had an autobiography in our library. There was a chapter in the book with a title like "What It's Like Being A Sex Symbol".
Everybody wishes they could have a chapter like that in their autobiography.
Yeah, what that "dan" guy said...
Kyle, that's funny because that's exactly what happened to my fridge. Compressor relay. It's like we're brothers or something. Like Tomax and Xamot.
...or like Drater and Retard.
Adam, you are our generation's Don Rickles. I mean that in a good way. hockey puck. i don't think there is a "good way" for that statement. Rickles sucks. "Hey...I'm overly mean to people without any consideration for cleverness."
Wierd thing is, I try not to be hacky in my everyday life. I watch so much and respect stand-up comedy so much, that I relate to the issues they talk about which includes hackiness.
Look at this discussion...I really suck too.
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