The following are two work emails I received meant to combat the exhorbitant waste of paper rampaging through our office.
OK folks, I have to remind you once again.
Jake just went through all the printouts next to the 5000, and there are many prints that have been sitting there, for the last few days.
I am to remind you, that the wasted paper for prints that apparently have no purpose, are also a waste of our few resources to buy better equipment.
If you do not need a printout of something, THEN DON'T PRINT IT!! Each week we throw away 30 to 50 pages of printouts that are left at the printer. This may not seem like much, but it does cost money over time. Use your brain, consider if you really need a hard-copy. If you don't, then don't print.
I am looking into installing a program that will print your user name on all prints from the 5000 so we can track who is wasting the most. Don't be the fall guy, print only what you need, and pick it up pronto.
Wilbur Thomas, Network Administrator
To be able to track prints logically, the 5000 now prints a separator page, that shows the User, Date printed, and Time printed. This way, I will know who to deliver the print job to if is not picked up. The tray next to the printer jobs is for putting the separator page so it can be turned into note pads for the office.
Wilbur Thomas, Network Administrator
At the end of the first two days there were over a hundred separator pages piled up in the recycling tray. They looked like this:
OK folks, I have to remind you once again.
Jake just went through all the printouts next to the 5000, and there are many prints that have been sitting there, for the last few days.
I am to remind you, that the wasted paper for prints that apparently have no purpose, are also a waste of our few resources to buy better equipment.
If you do not need a printout of something, THEN DON'T PRINT IT!! Each week we throw away 30 to 50 pages of printouts that are left at the printer. This may not seem like much, but it does cost money over time. Use your brain, consider if you really need a hard-copy. If you don't, then don't print.
I am looking into installing a program that will print your user name on all prints from the 5000 so we can track who is wasting the most. Don't be the fall guy, print only what you need, and pick it up pronto.
Wilbur Thomas, Network Administrator
To be able to track prints logically, the 5000 now prints a separator page, that shows the User, Date printed, and Time printed. This way, I will know who to deliver the print job to if is not picked up. The tray next to the printer jobs is for putting the separator page so it can be turned into note pads for the office.
Wilbur Thomas, Network Administrator
At the end of the first two days there were over a hundred separator pages piled up in the recycling tray. They looked like this:

I had to spell check "bureacracy", that is a damn tough word.
Hahahaha, that's awesome! I love idiot office politics.
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