Who eats at strip clubs?

Yesterday I was driving up Powell and the sign outside of Safari's caught my eye.
What kind of person eats at a strip club? I mean, who eats more than one meal there in their entire life. I can see a person eating there once, as a lark. But I'm willing to bet that the bell curve of meals eaten at strip clubs would be 90% of the people that eat at strip clubs have eaten there once. And the remaining 10% of people eat at least 4 of their meals at the strip club a week.
There would be no one in between.
Labels: roast beef lips
People eat at the Acropolis. My friend who went to Milwaukie High said the high school kids would go an buy food there. Take out, they weren't allowed in.
But other than that...
You might be suprised at how many casual eaters would be drawn in by cheap food prices. I am sure the strippers love working the lunch crowd.
I am most proud of using the correct versions of "there" and "their" in this post on the first try.
"roast beef lips"...completely out of line.
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