I'm going to run with something here. The daily blog of my life as it happens. As far as I know, no one has ever given a straight up blow by blow shot of their life right as it happens, so I'll be the first and pardon the typeos since this is going all the way live.
7:10-Get up.
7:15-I don't have to go to work today because my office is running slow. We are on forced mandatory 4 day work week and we only get paid for those 4 days. It's better than being fired, but it's leading up to being fired, so the good news is that I might have more time to write in the blog. Google ad revenue can keep me afloat if I could just get a couple more thousand hits.
7:20-Cook up some whites only scrambled eggs for my girlfriend who does have work. Not that I'm super fancy, or even super racist, but I used a bunch of yolks last night to start making gelato. And since I'm about to get fired, I need to consume food sparingly. Sort of like the indians and the buffaloes.
8:00-I must be allergic to eggs.
8:15-Girlfriend leaves for work, good thing too because I will soon be living off her.
8:16-Turn on The View, quick tug job to Sherri. Harder than you think beause Joy Behar keeps popping up on the screen.
8:30-I'm bored. Maybe I should go back to bed.
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