I thought this was interesting

Guy gets transcript of the meeting between Lawrence Kasdan/George Lucas/Stephan Spielburg
Indiana Smith
Best part is how Lucas is a pedophile:
George — I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.
Lawrence — And he was forty-two.
George — He hasn't seen her in twelve years. Now she's twenty-two. It's a real strange relationship.
Stephan — She had better be older than twenty-two.
George — He's thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve. It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.
Labels: i hate snakes
When she said "I was a child!" in the movie, I just thought she meant she was 'emotionally immature'. I didn't think she meant it literally! She was a CHILD!
That means that Indy was a pedophile too. Then again, in those days, who wasn't?
lucas is so god damn creepy.
and in olden times people couldn't really be that pedophiliacal because if your life expectancy was 25, it was okay to get married at 12.
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