Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The tale of Friday Nov 4

This is the true story, the story of my first vacation since 2003.
The last time I took a vacation I missed Portland so much that I came home, got drunk, and hit on Paige.
These things never go well, just so you know.

Well what I did was go to Chicago. Chicago's nickname is "the city of big shoulders"
I decided to call it, "the city of where Doody is marrying Glozniak".
It might not stick in the National lexicon.

First order of business after arrival: Go to my old grad school and try to not owe them 5000 dollars and get them to make the collection agency leave me alone.
First off, no one was available t ohelp me from the school of architecture. They were kind enough to feel sorry for me though. Sorry don't get this debt off my back.

Next I headed over to see Clarence, the man in charge of delinquent accounts. Clarence (a dead ringer for the grandpop huxtable, yet wearing a Cosbyt sweater) listened to my story of hardship, gave me a few options of who else to talk to or how to pay up, sternly told me there was nothing he could personally do, then quietly whispered "this won't effect your credit rating, they can't actually do anything to you."
So here's where I'm trying not to be racist; I love 60 year old black men. Sorry, I like them all more than I like you.

The rest of the day was a blur,
-I softened my hatred of Rem Koolhaus
(pictures to follow when I return to non dialup)
-wandered Wicker Park looking for old friends
-used the kickass CTA, public transit is a boon
-stayed in a way too fancy hotel
(normally I save my money for food, and 134 dollars is a lot of food. that's even after I got a deal by talking down the normal price of 189)
(55 dollars is still a lot of food)

Stay tuned for Birdflag crashing the wedding as a homeless man.


Blogger T-Unit said...

I love Chicago. Great sports city, public transportation is good, tons of shit to do. I really need to go there during the winter and see how miserable it is.

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's windy.

7:07 PM  

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