Evoluton of Krunk

This is partially a cut and paste from my comments on the last topic...
I am home with the baby and flipped it onto the Tyra Banks Show. I have seen plenty of people make fun of this show and have caught a few moments myself. Yes...this show appeals to retards (ol' skool meaning). What is getting me, though, is that she has on a group of "ground breaking" Krunk dancers to show some specific moves. First, krunk is not innovative, it is just an extension or a form of bboy breakin'. Second, if this is a dance innovation, I invented it in 1994-1995 when I was the Bearcat mascot! Because of suit restraints and other things, my bboy inspired dancing encompasses the same movements and even specific moves as "Krunk". Wow...a white guy from Cincinnati invented this dance revolution...who knew?
So...what innovation, product, idea, or general creation did you come up with long before the official incarnation?
Gotta point out again that Alan Houston was a guest star on Clifford's Puppy Days on PBS. You parents know what I am talking about.
When my brother was around 12 years old he was reading all sorts of books on anatomy, and read some things about females, and copulation. He got the idea that he could recreate a female vagina using his lightly clenched fist, and actually simulate the act of sex without the need for a female partner. His invention was so wonderful and exciting he knew that he couldn't tell anyone else about it or it would be used for evil.
I myself am not gifted with any amazing discoveries, but I have come up with two huge drafting revelations in my time. One is drafting bricks at 55/24" tall to make 3/8" joints space evenly with CMU, and the other is to draft in Powercad WYSIWYG at double scale then print at 50%.
Two things that none of you would ever care about.
WOW... I knew Brady had to be a genius. That is similar to my two hand prayer technique of recreating the vagina. By the way...did he try to recreate non-female vaginas?
A non female vagina is a Dabone.
Ooooooooh, Burn!!1!1!1111!11 ;-\{
Damn, that was a burn but a good one!
I do this stupid thing where I do this arm waggle when I catch a frisbee during a game. It's kind of like when Queen Latifah would do that snap thing with her fingers in the shape of a Z. I like to think that I was a little responsible for frisbee flair even if it's dumb.
I also have this dance that can give Elaine from Seinfeld a run for her money. It looks like I'm mimicking a choo choo train or something. Of course Kyle impersonates that one the best.
Kyle, I was just wondering what your mom would think if she ever caught you or Brady spanking the monkey.
I would think, at least the sheep are getting some rest.
Danimal, I invented the "Flair catch" before you. Or maybe I didn't. Either way, we both do the "Flair Catch"
Woweewowow..."Flair catch." EEKS! Quite a cloistered world you frisbee folk live in.
"Bring out the Blotter dude..... huuuhuuhuhu......."
Random note to the Ohio boys. Are those Reds for reals this year?
Dunno...really have not paid much attention. I hate that the owner is a good friend of Bush so he came here to opening day to throw out the first pitch. No other owners wanted the fool. While I like going to baseball games, I just can't follow on a regular basis. I lived in Portland for a summer and loved going to the then triple A Portland Rockies games. You could get in for $1 and bring in your own peanuts and drink from Fred Myer. I only lived a street away on Trinity Ave which is nice when you don't have friends.
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