Time the Avenger
Here's why the GIjoe ladies aren't hot, check her out. Baroness keeps it clean by getting dirty. She's naughty.

But this brings me to my main point. Here's the question. I want this one to get riled up, because I honestly think it is the one topic where people don't follow the party lines. Liberals can show their true colors just like the Conservatives always do on this one. So here's the question.
What did you think of "Day Without Immigrants"?
Now, Rockit.

But this brings me to my main point. Here's the question. I want this one to get riled up, because I honestly think it is the one topic where people don't follow the party lines. Liberals can show their true colors just like the Conservatives always do on this one. So here's the question.
What did you think of "Day Without Immigrants"?
Now, Rockit.
I think they should just ramp up the legal immigration until it matches the current number coming in (legally and illegally). I don't think they need to be straight A students either. Take away a few of the hoops. Then, if you want to be serious about the ones that are here illegally you might have some legitimacy.
No anthem in Spanish please. Especially if it's not even the same tune.
I didn't think I'd be offended by this, but then I heard it. Egad.
My view is that whatever America ends up deciding won't really matter, because in 20 years we are going to be sneaking into other countries to do their shit jobs if this administration stays in charge much longer.
So maybe we should go easier on immigration laws, in case we need the karma for our kids.
I was oddly shocked to hear tales of reverse-boycotts. Particularly surprised by how vehemently certain caucasians/white folks declared that all closed shops should be boycotted in the future.
Stinks of not-so-subtle racism.
Scares the hell out of me too.
WALLS! This has got to be the most efficient solution.
Really...I do like how depending upon the news you listen to, the marchers were either protesting against the senate legislation OR protesting in support of illegal immigration. Media spins are great.
This country should be welcoming. Population growth is important in capitalism since the system requires growth or it stagnates. Businesses who hire illegals should be heavily penalized, this would help to curtail the enormous streams of illegals and also prevent the undercutting of our minimum wages. Bi-lingual education must be supported for kids. Longitudinal studies show that the kids with bi-lingual education at the young ages helps them keep up with learnin' and also helps future assimilation. We must remember that legal and illegal immigrants are coming for the opportunity, which will only help our society if directed into the formal economy, which needs to be made fair for actual competition. This also could be the rise of labor against larger dominant corporations, again if funneled into the formal economy. Finally, Assimilation is wanted by the intial immigrant generations and will occur if made possible.
Immigration is good, but immigrants do need to be careful about instigating backlashes. Yes, I agree that there is plenty of racist backlash, but there can be that fine line with the amount of media coverage and spin by certain outlets. Doesn't this also reflect back on our growing lack of critical thought in education and lack of understanding of the world. We are ignorant. Yeah...I said it.
"The anthem should always be in English. Except when I need some Meskan votes."
um... I need to know where you got that picture of the Baroness doing laundry. You see I have this fetish...
And I think immigrants are an important part of this country. I don't think they should make a spanish version of the anthem if they change the words, that doesn't make sense to me.
More Baroness pics please.
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