
Read Birdflag's post below. It's very illuminating.
But I have a question needing immediate response. A coworker of mine has a Lenny Kravitz wallpaper on her desktop. She's also really into music. Is this possible? I don't understand how someone who's really into music can be into Lenny Kravitz, his first 2 albums aside. Can someone explain this phenomenon?
there is no explaining personal taste. i am really into music also, but am fairly limited in my musical explorations. also, people have those guilty pleasures. for me...lordz of brooklyn, jay z, 2 live crew...among others. maybe i just suck. the wallpaper is a bit strange...probably more of a physical crush for lenny is easy on the eyes to women and keeps up with fashion. that is my guess.
I agree with AJ. Lenny is easy on the eyes for a majority of women
Maybe your co-worker really likes The Jeffersons.
I really like music, and spend time finding new bands to listen to, local bands, obscure stuff.
But my favorite band is the Kinks (who totally kill the stones and beatles as far as total catalogue is concerned.), so sometimes popular music is ok.
My old friend from college, Jonic-duh, was really really into Lenny. I think the greek system beat that into him. So maybe your coworker was a Phi Delt too?
I thought Dave Matthew's is the official sponsor of male greeks. Lenny was adopted to the greek system after "Are you going to go my way?" (jesus ref) About the same time, after being adopted to the mainstream pop scene, he went from being a bit fashion forward and weird to following the Abcrom trends...also adopted to the mainstream about this time. Everyone wanted to now look like dirty alternative freaks how shopped at thrift stores, never bought new jeans, and began to raid their own old t-shirt boxes in their mother's attics/basements.
So in a way, it's sort of like Seal's music. I mean, everyone likes Seal, but if he was a bald old white guy, would his music be as interesting?
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