Monday, October 02, 2006

Last week at work

I gave my notice last week, and Friday is my last day. I'm all dedicated to making the transition as smooth as possible, but at the same time, I kinda don't care. So I'm like 15 min on work, then like 10 min off, and then deleting old emails and other mundane stuff......

What do you/did you do after giving notice?


Blogger The Cruise said...

The last job I gave notice for (2 months because I am an amazing guy who tries to d ogood for his company) fired me the next day. Then said they didn't have to give me any severance package since I had quit.

Moral. Never give notice ever again.

2:01 PM  
Blogger scrooner said...

I worked the night shift twice a week at Subway when I was in college. My boss knew when he hired me that I would be taking a month off for the winter break, but when I came back he had hired a replacement for me & didn't have room for me anymore.

I worked a couple more shifts before I was done, during which I stamped up a bunch of sandwich cards for myself.

Giving notice is a pretty ridiculous notion. The company wants security, but they never offer it in return. Ever see a company give notice to an employee? "You're fired, but you've got two weeks to get your stuff together..."

Then again, there seems to be more risk nowadays (especially in the tech companies) that an employee can screw a company over. In my job I could go through our network & delete a whole bunch of documentation & ruin tons of data, and nobody would ever know it was messed up until it was too late.

7:27 AM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

The last firm I worked for let some guy go and he was totally unprepared for it. He didn't see the writing on the wall at all. He begged with the management to let him stay and work on his portfolio so he could get another job, and continue to feed his family.
Crazily enough, they let him. Dude came in for over two weeks and worked on his portfolio using the firm's computers until he had something he could use for a new job interview.
It was really awkward to sit next to a guy who had been fired 10 days earlier.

1:34 PM  
Blogger scrooner said...

The last place I worked was a tech company that didn't make it. A couple of months before it finally closed down for good, there was a slightly akward all-company meeting where the managers read a list of names who were being let go (about 80% of the company). Weird.

I stayed on with 3 others in my department until we were finally let go too.

Then they rehired us for a couple of weeks to write up documentation on our processes, in hopes that they could somehow sell the whole mess to another company. We were glad to get two weeks more pay, but not very motivated to work! Ah, good times.

4:23 PM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

I gave notice to Dillard's department stores. I was a manager in the Jarman Lease men's shoe department for McAlpin' I did not work for McAlpin's. Dillard's promised me a manager position in the change over, then, of course, screwed me over. Let's just say my shoe collection was traded up.
I got a store management with another divion of the same shoe corp, Journeys. It was a alternative shoe the mall and was completely corporate even thought the District manager was a "super cool skater rave guy"...whatever the hell this meant. I got written up multiple time by breaking rediculous corp rules to be more efficient, make more money for all my employees, and be fair to my employees. I gave very fair notice, but screwed them by continually promising that my assistant manager would be ready to take a new store in a podunk town "soon." She did not want to move and I thought it was unfair to fire somebody who was a damn good employee because they would not be forced to move to a new state for a retail job...I drew it out for about 6 months. She got my store when I left.

7:07 PM  

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