Monday, September 11, 2006

Breakin' ankles...seriously.

Kyle claims there was "clammerin'" for my story on breaking my ankle so I posted it under a previous entry....however there were no comments. If you are clammerin' I want something!

I was the manager of Journey's, an "alternative" shoe store in the mall...smells fishy, yes. Anyway, the store began to carry Soaps, the grind/skate shoe. It is basically a skate shoe with grind plates attached to the soles so you can run and slide on curbs and shit. Being a manager, I got a free pair. The shoes had one thing going for them and one against. For - pretty damn comforable....against - death traps made for teens and preteens. Well, I used to wear mine...mostly to work (we were supposed to wear shoes we carried. I lived, at this time, with another friend of Kyle's and mine. We were in a hurry to race out the door to pick up Taco Bell and get back to watch the Simpsons, but being quick on my feet, I got to the stoop about 30 seconds faster than Bryan. should I kill that long timespan? Maybe I should jump up on the railing that was 6 feet from the concrete driveway with a 50-60 degree slope...yeah, that sounds about right. However, I was very careful since I had only grinded the edge of a picnic table at word. I carefully climed up on the railing and braced my weight against the overhang upright while I got my balance....THEN, I let go. Bryan came running out thinking I was f-ing around when I was actually writhing in pain since my right fibula was now bloken and my foot was at a right angle to my leg. He asked, "do you want me to call an ambulance or help get you to the car?" The ambulance was there in about 15 minutes...or 2 hours in excrutiating pain conversion. Yes I felt stupid...but I had to sit on a gurny for 2 hours, without pain killer, because there were more serious cases than me...f-ing triage. A nurse covered my foot with a sheet "because it was making others ill." Oh it hurt...and the hospital staff had be believing that they did not provide any painkiller in order to reset it...they just yank.I had to get some plates and screws to fix it...the screws popped out shortly after, lodging under my ankle bone...f-ing doctor did not believe me when I told him it was/had popped out in multiple trips. My now wife took a pic of me on our bed, trying to hammer the pins back into my ankle. The whole thing was a debacle.


Blogger L-Boogie said...

Oh, don't worry. Having some screws in my own knee, Your story made me ill just thinking about it. A hammer? Holy Christ man.

10:00 PM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

You're the king of getting shitty surgeries done to you.
My favorite is still how that quack tried to fix your clavicle.

My advice: With your luck, never get a vasectomy.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, I lived with him for 2 years and never heard that one. I heard that you were once a really good futbol player. Was that the end of your soccer days?

My 7 year old niece and 11 year old nephew have these shoes with one wheel in the back of each of them. They do this thing where they glide with one foot in front of the other. Why do toy companies design these things for kids?

The crappiest job that I ever had was working at a kiosk for Club Mom in Clackamas Town Center...... when I was 25...... and I got the axe. I wasn't enough of a sales person to get the ladies to sign up for da Club. Anybody else have crappy job stories, injuries involved also welcome.

10:05 AM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

When I was the manager of that shoe store, I got written up multiple times for how I chose to run my store. I shaved hours off (I was required to work 50 hours and my assistant 45 per week) for me and my assistant because my assistant told another store manager who told on me. I also gave my own incentives to part-time high school kids to ring sales under the managers numbers because they had no chance at all to ever earn commission. My store had too high of a percentage of sales go to managers. I HAD TWO PART-TIME EMPLOYEES THAT WORKED A TOTAL OF 15 HRS PER WEEK COMBINED. I was written up even though there was no way to prove I was doing anything wrong. Corporations suck, even the "alternative mall shoe stores"...fucking joke.

6:37 PM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

Yes...once a pretty good futboler, mostly due to my imagined intense hatred of whoever I played. When I had fun, I played like crap. What ended my career was a combination of growing gut, worsening knees while trying to still compete against 18-20 year old college and semi-professional players. I lost steps and this costs you on defense.
BUT, I have made some amazing softball plays in my post soccer career. I mean amazing...the stuff I wish people would have seen and remember...I want to scream fromt he mountain tops!

6:51 PM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

Adam used to clock in at his maintenance job, then go home and sleep, then go to work at the shoe store, then hang out, then make me go down to the school for when he clocked out.

Working a 14 hour shift is hard.

9:22 AM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

you are mixing times...but yes, I defrauded UC for extra hours because "everyone else was doing it." and i jumped off a bridge.

11:19 AM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

Dear Al Bundy,

I can remember the difference between Dillards and Journeys. You got me a pair of All Stars at Dillards (by buying them for yourself to get me the employee discount) and Docs at Journeys (probably not involving any shady dealings).

I just didn't think the exact store was important to the anecdote.

11:39 AM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

I prefer to think of myself as the Prince from Cinderella forever fititng people with glass slippers. I did not sell shoes when I worked for UC...I guess I am now a caricature of myself...just a distant memory that has become some mythic cartoon character.

1:11 PM  

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