tick tock
365.25 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute. That's 31,557,600 seconds a year. If we kept the day, but got rid of leap year day every four years, and went to base ten we could go with a New Second*tm* for time, it would be very simple to switch over. Empirical thought is for suckers.
The scientific definition of a second is 9,192,631,77010 vibrations of an atom of Cesium-133. In New Time, we define one day as 2,D25,C32,D2E,70016 (794,243,384,928,00010) vibrations of an atom of Cesium-133. You can use the following approximate conversion factors:
1 new second = 1.3110 (1.5216) seconds
1 second = 0.75910 (0.C2316) new seconds
1 new minute = 0.35210 (0.5A016) minutes
1 minute = 2.8410 (2.D816) new minutes
1 new hour = 1.510 (1.816) hours
1 hour = 0.66710 (0.AAB16) new hours
Why don't you just make the # of vibrations to be a multiple of 10 as well. Now go figure that out.
The day I can control Cesium vibrations... well, that's the day I poop in my boss's hat and call him Shirley.
poo poo magoo.
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