Workin’ it.
Alright, now is the time to give the inside outs of the biz.
Work blogs are where it’s at.
I recently got a new gig at my work that involved some traveling. A Major Air Carrier has plans to install information touch screens in their baggage claims areas. These screens will enable to find out which baggage carrousel a customer’s luggage is on, if it is in the baggage storage office, if it did not make a connecting flight and will be on another arrival, or if it is actually somewhere near Nome Alaska. It will also allow the Major Air Carrier to employ less people in baggage claims, because a computer can do they job better than they can damn do it.
My job is to travel to these airports to survey the whole scenery and tell the people exactly what it means to me. I meet with Representatives of the Major Air Carrier, take notes, and then give them a proposal of where to put these kiosks, and how to connect them to data centers.
A few weeks ago I had my test run, meeting with a woman from the Major Air Carrier’s head office [she was dead ringer for Melissa Ethridge circa 1992 (maybe just because of the purple blazer with extra long tails though)], and the architect who is doing all the same jobs back on the east coast (who looks like the dad from Teen Wolf).*
But that was then, this is now. I’m here to tell you about my most recent trip.

Got the early bird special, PDX to PHX at 5:35 in the AM because the meeting I had was on Monday morning, and too soon to fly then. I planned to meet up with my old friend from High School, to catch up and get a free place to stay.
I know people hate to read too much at once, so I’ll just post this in segments to give it that actiony serial adventure kind of style.
That also gives me a chance to add a question about serial adventures.
*Yes. All I ever care about is what famous person other people look like. But in other news, I did keep up my trend of seeing one semi-famous person every time I go to LA. This time it was Peter Noone from Herman’s Hermits. He was holding his cell phone directly in front of his mouth so he could very loudly into it. It was funny that I don’t think he knew how they work.
Work blogs are where it’s at.
I recently got a new gig at my work that involved some traveling. A Major Air Carrier has plans to install information touch screens in their baggage claims areas. These screens will enable to find out which baggage carrousel a customer’s luggage is on, if it is in the baggage storage office, if it did not make a connecting flight and will be on another arrival, or if it is actually somewhere near Nome Alaska. It will also allow the Major Air Carrier to employ less people in baggage claims, because a computer can do they job better than they can damn do it.
My job is to travel to these airports to survey the whole scenery and tell the people exactly what it means to me. I meet with Representatives of the Major Air Carrier, take notes, and then give them a proposal of where to put these kiosks, and how to connect them to data centers.
A few weeks ago I had my test run, meeting with a woman from the Major Air Carrier’s head office [she was dead ringer for Melissa Ethridge circa 1992 (maybe just because of the purple blazer with extra long tails though)], and the architect who is doing all the same jobs back on the east coast (who looks like the dad from Teen Wolf).*
But that was then, this is now. I’m here to tell you about my most recent trip.

Got the early bird special, PDX to PHX at 5:35 in the AM because the meeting I had was on Monday morning, and too soon to fly then. I planned to meet up with my old friend from High School, to catch up and get a free place to stay.
I know people hate to read too much at once, so I’ll just post this in segments to give it that actiony serial adventure kind of style.
That also gives me a chance to add a question about serial adventures.
*Yes. All I ever care about is what famous person other people look like. But in other news, I did keep up my trend of seeing one semi-famous person every time I go to LA. This time it was Peter Noone from Herman’s Hermits. He was holding his cell phone directly in front of his mouth so he could very loudly into it. It was funny that I don’t think he knew how they work.
My first gut response was the Nazi agent Toht from the 1st film, 'cause he gets the headpiece branded into his hand, and he gets his face melted off at the end. Awesome! He's always sweating & very creepy.
Then I thought about Short Round from the 2nd one, who was pretty funny, be he became more annoying as the movie went on. In fact, "annoying" seems to be a running theme in the Temple of Doom: Short Round is annoying, the young prince is annoying, the priest is annoying even though he can do that cool "rip-out-your-beating-heart" trick, and Willie (Indy's love interest) is REALLY REALLY REALLY ANNOYING. Seriously, she screams through 80% of the movie. And on top of that, Temple of Doom is responsible for the PG-13 rating, which is the reason we rarely see boobs in our comedies anymore. Before T.O.D: boobs. After T.O.D.: no boobs. ANNOYING.
I think I'm gonna go with Marcus Brody, played by Denholm Elliot (who not-so-coincidentally also played the butler in my favorite comedy of all time, Trading Places). Marcus Brody is bumbling, but lucky. And he gets some of the funniest lines: (on top of a moving tank) "How does one get off this thing?" A small role played perfectly.
Like Kyle, I had a gut reaction. The worst movie of the trilogy, Temple of Doom, spawned Short Round. I loved him as a kid because it allowed kids to put themselves into a character next to Jones himself. NOW, I could beat baddies with my extra special novice martial arts skills. So, Short Round hold a dear place in my heart, but he was annoying.
After brief thought, I gotta go with Sallah, Jones' connection in the Middle-East. He has the connections and clout to round up locals to support Indy at crucial moments. Prince of the neighborhood.
On a side note, I like River Phoenix as young Indy in The Last Crusade. Too bad, a spinoff movie series with River could have been interesting.
oops...that wasn't Kyle. Sorry Scrooner, whoever you are.
Sallah was cool. Saved Indy by catching the poisoned date in mid-air. "Bad dates".
Kate Capshaw, who played "Willie" in Temple probably only got the job because she started doing Spielberg and ended up marrying him after the movie.
I'm gonna have to go with Sallah, too. "Asps. Very dangerous. You go first."
Indiana: Sallah, I said NO camels! That's FIVE camels; can't you count?
Sallah, played by John Rhys-Davies, definitley awesome. But he didn't win any drinking contests. Soooo.... my vote goes to Karen Allen in Raiders, who played Marion, the love interest.
Also Noone, didn't he found a team that Carmen played on? I wonder if he is free next season.
Sallah is the best supporting character, Marion is hottest women ever.
Willie sucks. Short Round sucks except for "Hang on lady we gone for ride."
I actually thought Alison Doody as Elsa was "hotter", though Marion had a much better personality.
How come nobody mentioned Connery as Indy's dad?
Marion, hands down, much much more hot. She drank that dude under the table then punched some poeple in the face. 100% Hot. Plus, how hot is someone who bonked your dad? Not so hot. Way too Edipal.
Connery wasn't really a supporting character, nor was he as hot as Marion, nor as cool as Sallah. Although he did get one really great line: "I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne: 'Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky.'"
I think this is a semantics issue. You're talking about sexier, I'm talking about hotter (physical appearance only).,%20Alison
Elsa was "hotter", though Marion had a much better personality.
Oh, yeah, the hot Tibetan bar owner
has a better personality than the Nazi. Way to go out on a limb there Dan.
Karen Allen and Jennifer Connelly are the hottest actresses ever.
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