Friday, January 13, 2006 Page 2 : Uni Watch: Uni Vision

I think Uni watch is great. Most of what Lukas writes about is very true. I couldn't help but notice that in his top 10 worst unis for the year, we are connected to the top 3.

1.) The U of O jerseys do look like crap. Honestly, are they stamped metal plates that you see on the ground for traction?

2.) The Colorado Rockies. Seriously, those are the ugliest baseball jerseys I have ever seen.

3.) Sorry Birdflag, but the pants on those Bengals uniforms ain't gonna cut it? Why on earth did they wear those for 1 game only, and in the playoffs no less.

Such is that for this edition of the Uni watch, but I recommend you take some time and go thru some of the other editions. Especially the one about socks. Great things can be said there.That brings me to my next point. I think Ultimate Jerseys need to be spruced up a bit. I'd love to see a team wearing some $ soccer jerseys with collars. That would be dope. Note to other teams: DO NOT WEAR PANTS AND SHIRTS THAT ARE THE SAME COLOR. Ugly, 'nuff said.I'd like to see this in my future (perhaps with a collar even)



Blogger L-Boogie said...

Oooo, uniforms are one of my favorite topics in sports! I am a Duck, and I agree the steel grate look is stupid. They wore them for the civil war game, and then for the bowl game they only wore the bottoms. I guess the players totally loved them though. Go figure. They always get slammed for funky unis...BUT at least they're trying something new? Not so old school and boring.

On an ultimate note, what do you think about the Jam's all white gear? I kind of like it.

4:52 PM  
Blogger T-Unit said...

Believe it or not, but the ducks wore at least 8 different uniforms this season. That's ridiculous. I think uniforms should have tradition. Nothing wrong with new ones, but at least stick with the new ones for a couple of seasons.

As for Jam's all white gear (I'll quote the original post): "DO NOT WEAR PANTS AND SHIRTS THAT ARE THE SAME COLOR".
Variety is the spice of life.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony, as you are well aware, I am in complete agreement with you on uniforms.

Assuming the stars are aligned this year, I am willing to push for collared shirts.

9:07 AM  
Blogger L-Boogie said...

Actually they wore 8 different combinations of 3 uniforms or something like that. They just have a lot of options, that's all! And I must disagree with the all-one-color scheme. B/c my favorite duck uni combo is their all-white away combo. Or maybe it's just the tight ends on the running backs that I like. White is never flattering to the big linemen. They need slimming lines for sure.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all white and all black are both good...
all one color of the blue, red, yellow, green, orange, etc. variety is bad.

but as for the ducks, love 'em, but I'm sorry having phil knight/nike on their side and providing uniforms aplenty is a little ridiculous [except of course, that nike also gives uniforms to club sports which is pretty cool]. the only good that comes from the excess of football unis is that when they're are as bad as some of them are at least you know won't have to seem them all season long, if ever again.

9:47 AM  

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