Monday, March 20, 2006

The time to act is now

Legendary lost meeting notes of The Coltrane's first strategy meeting. Notice it mainly involves dong, height limits, my phone number, and hucking.
To wash that taste out of your mouth, cuddle up with some TH.

My ability to make much sense has never been that important.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like one of those pictures that you would have on the fridge from your nephews, Calvin and Oscar. Although, they would probably prefer to think of the phallic thing as a snake, not a dong.

I think it would be sweet for every team to have a name committee and name their teams after dogs. I could see it now, instead of One Miss. vs. Soylent Green, it would be Ho-De vs. Sophie. I don't know if the name of any of the Jets' or Coltrane's pooches, but it would undoubtedly be some mouthy, small, ankle biting machine vs. some ferocious, blood thirsty savage of a beast willing to devour anything in its path. That is such a sweet idea!

11:23 AM  
Blogger scrooner said...

Danimal, you are the Adam Morrison of Portland coed ultimate.

1:14 PM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

Unfortunately I don't think The Coltrane has a team dog. If we get one, we'll name it The Coltrane.

The Coltrane is not the team with the largest dongs, just the only team with functional ones.

-The Jets don't need any, they don't float that river.
-Hoady is full of couples that have been together so long they don't carry on Relations any more.
-Shaq has hit the age necessitating the blue pill that I get tons of email about.
-SG is a HURBLURF HUFF...I just threw up in my mouth thinking about it.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well considering at least two women from Hoady are pregnant, it's not quite fair to say the couples don't carry on "Relations" anymore. Not that I'm defensive or anything...

6:41 PM  

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