Thursday, March 09, 2006

Food For Thought: (Fight or Flight)

"Concrete is second only to water as the world's most heavily consumed substance. Slightly more than a ton of concrete is produced every year for each human being on the planet, some six billion tons a year altogether."
-John Sedgewick

That's an interesting, interesting quote. Can you even imagine that? Of course, concrete weighs about ten pounds per square foot, so that means if a Maori Bushmen were short his quota, we could always just ship over a 3’ dia by 7’ tall concrete column to New Zealand to make up the difference. So it’s not that much. I’m beginning to think this bit of trivia is in fact more like lie-ia, because I’m pretty sure at least two tonne (metric) of pizza flyers is generated every year for me by Dominoes.
Perhaps the lack of Dominoes chains in British Angola skews my perception though.
Someone ought to do a study.


Blogger ajparrillo said...

Evolution...Humans will/are going through changes that relate to urbanity. At some point, we will be Urban Apes, a relative to the hunter-gatherer that original evolved. Urban life is drastically different than life before civilization...humans adapt, not only within a lifetime but genetically. Urban equals more and more concrete, and humans are putting a concrete boot up the ass of Mother Nature more than ever. Take that, bitch!

5:43 AM  
Blogger The Cruise said...

I envision the future more like Thundarr. If you are Thundarr, can I be Ookla?

8:26 AM  
Blogger ajparrillo said...

Thundar was friggin sweet. A comet/meteor travels between the Earth and its moon, fracturing the moon in half and somehow sending the world into a D&D like dark ages where people somehow carry more technologically advance personal weaponry than today...or at least the 80s. Pure rip off of Star Wars and Conan.
What if those that created the cartoon, or any other sci-fi for that matter, were not only "creative," but psychic without being aware of their ability? Their psychic abilities would surface in their occupation or art....spoooooky! Even more, the fact that certain sci-fi has been popularized, such as Star Trek; if the world ever approaches that level of technology and scientific exploration, would new institutions created to regulate and guide the era resemble or even be copied from these creative endeavors because they are part of the human social lexicon. One day, unless society continues to deviate from the Saganist path and self destructs, there will be a Star Fleet Federation and a Prime Directive.

11:01 AM  

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