What are you Watching?
I was tired of looking at Kyle's day old news. I propose that we discuss what you are watching on TV. I already know that Danimal will say he is watching 24, the NCAA tournament and The Sopranos at my house.
I have watched some of the World Baseball Classic, and I love it. Baseball needed this. I've been rooting for the Dominican Republic from the beginning. The U.S. lost last night and were eliminated. The final four teams are Japan, South Korea, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Most of you probably hate baseball, especially baseball on TV. Understandable, there is a certain something about baseball that you have to like. I'm a fan of all the thinking that goes on. It's a great strategy and skill game, but definitely not the most cardiovascular intensive.
Other than sports, my guilty pleasures include Desperate Housewives and as you might have guessed, Smallville. The WB is dumb and hasn't had a new episode on for a long time. Clark better start doing cooler stuff with his powers than the fast running. He needs to use his super vision. When is he going to fly? What happened to his freeze breath? Geez. Seriously though, my newest guilty pleasure is Veronica Mars.

Everyone should start watching this show. Waaayyy better than Gilmore Girls. The dialogue is witty, great character development, and cool stories. I caution one thing though, you need to watch the show from the beginning. There are season long story arcs that go throughout the entire season and everything is tied together extremely well. Now go watch it. Wednesdays at 9 on UPN. Stop watching Lost, nothing ever happens. The thing in the cloud is the hulk (gray hulk, not green).
I have watched some of the World Baseball Classic, and I love it. Baseball needed this. I've been rooting for the Dominican Republic from the beginning. The U.S. lost last night and were eliminated. The final four teams are Japan, South Korea, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Most of you probably hate baseball, especially baseball on TV. Understandable, there is a certain something about baseball that you have to like. I'm a fan of all the thinking that goes on. It's a great strategy and skill game, but definitely not the most cardiovascular intensive.
Other than sports, my guilty pleasures include Desperate Housewives and as you might have guessed, Smallville. The WB is dumb and hasn't had a new episode on for a long time. Clark better start doing cooler stuff with his powers than the fast running. He needs to use his super vision. When is he going to fly? What happened to his freeze breath? Geez. Seriously though, my newest guilty pleasure is Veronica Mars.

Everyone should start watching this show. Waaayyy better than Gilmore Girls. The dialogue is witty, great character development, and cool stories. I caution one thing though, you need to watch the show from the beginning. There are season long story arcs that go throughout the entire season and everything is tied together extremely well. Now go watch it. Wednesdays at 9 on UPN. Stop watching Lost, nothing ever happens. The thing in the cloud is the hulk (gray hulk, not green).
I watch NewsRadio on dvd.
But I just finished season one/two, so I am sad.
Iit's hard to find time to watch tv. I keep it all the way in the basement, so it is a real chore just to go downstairs and turn it on. Otherwise, I would probably watch a lot of America's Top Model.
My favorite WBC team is Hee Sop Choi. Just him. The rest of Korea is only so so.
Two things happened that boosted my t.v. watching: knee surgery and my boyfriend bought me cable. 95% of the time I watch the Fox Soccer Channel. The other 5% of the time I shamefully watch the Fine Living Network where I learn how to pair wine with food. It's so embarassing but I feel good getting it out. Thanks for listening.
If I had known 1 out of those 2 facts, then I would have been at your house watching Battlestar Gallactaca. I hear it's good even if they made Apollo a girl this time around.
Wow, another NewsRadio fan! Jen & I have always loved that show...we have the DVDs too. One of the best sitcoms nobody knew about. Don't be sad Kyle...the 3rd season just came out!
I took Thursday & Friday off to stay home & watch March Madness. Zags made it back to the sweet sixteen tonight. A lot of folks have ragged on Gonzaga's inability to get back to the 16 (it's 5 whole years) but they have gone 7-1 in the opening round since 1999, and how many teams can say that? Pretty amazing I think.
The Shield is a good show. Forest Whitaker should get an emmy.
Dan - I was at both of the gonzaga games over the weekend... good times, and great wins; however, the gonzaga cheerleaders are probably THE most boring cheerleaders of the entire tournament, and I say that having only seen 8 of 64 teams. I won't go into details and I'll move on to the bulldog - One thing keeps their mascot from getting last place in my rankings and that is that some teams don't even have a mascot [indiana for instance, and what the hell is a hoosier anyway?], and, actually not having a mascot is something gonzaga might want to look into for all the bulldog did entertainment-wise. In truth the San Diego State Aztec was much much more lame; but the san diego fans were AWESOME and taunted and heckled in such a humorous fashion that I'll look past their mascot issues.
so the truth is that the games are a lot of fun to go watch, but with time outs, half-time and other breaks there's a lot of time to start making everything into a competition.
but this was a post about t.v. shows, wasn't it? mmkay so almost on a regular basis I watch grey's anatomy & gilmore girls; I do like scrubs, though I never remember when its on - and there are other shows that I can get sucked into in a moments notice, but just the 2 that I watch with any regularity.
If only there was someone I knew who had experience as a D1 mascot, and could explain what it's like to be in one of those suits....
(maybe if his sister was a cheerleading coach and he could offer insight into that as well, it would be really interesting.)
I drove out to Hillsboro Beach last night to watch the Sopranos at T-unit's house. He downloaded last week's episode which was pretty good. After that, I watched the second one which was super lame and boring. I would have been better off finishing off my Papa Murphy's pizza, eating the rest of his ice cream and drinking some more of his beer.
I love Netflix! I worked my way through all of the CSI (Las Vegas) as well as 6 Feet Under. season 1 of Lost was pretty sweet, too. Oooh, Deadwood has a lot of "F" bombs, so that was a sweet one also. Kyle loved to quote that show. Ooh, ooh, all of the 24's, too. I end up catching up to the episodes that are only on TV, and I have to wait until they come out on DVD. Maybe I should read more.
The Zags are overrated. Adam Morrison forgets how to run when he is on defense. Actually, they all do. Routing for Uconn. Is like routing for the Yankees. Jim Calhoun needs to be infected with a big parasite. Go Bradley!
Battlestar Galactica is one of the best shows in a while along with The Office. Sure it is a ripoff of a British show, as many popular American Sit-coms have, but they did a very good job casting and adopting it for American TV. My other regulars are 24, Lost, Daily Show, the Colbert Report (its French bitch), and Countdown with Keith Oberman. Gulty pleasures: any court television (Mathas rules), Roadrules/Realworld Challenge, and Project Runway.
As for tourney games and cheerleaders and mascots. I would be the D1 mascot your leader refered to previously. I was the mascot for the University of Cincinnati for four years and was at every tourney game in that period. Tourney games, especially NCAA, are drastically different for cheerleaders and mascots because of increased media exposure. Cheerleaders and mascots are severely restricted in where they can go and what they can do, which has gotten even more restrictive since that chick fell a few weeks ago. I can't make excuses for poor or missing mascots or boring cheerleaders, but keep in mind, you are seeing a watered down version. Because of restrictions, early in games I would try to make my way to the stands to mess with people.
Because its just after 8, and Kyle wrote to tell me about your NCAA comments, and because I don't feel like working just yet...
I figured there were restrictions at the tournament; however, when the most that one mascot [san diego state's aztec] can muster up is a half-hearted fist pump every 8 minutes or so and the guy across the court is dancing to his band, dancing to the opponents band, doing a flip into the worm, messing with the stat girl, AND still working with the crowd there's a little discrepancy in skill/style. The montana grizz wins every time*, actually the Grizz win in near every category [fun team to watch, good fans, cheerleaders, mascot] - except of course, the actual game in round two, that they didn't win - but the team is young and I expect we'll see them back in the tourney next year.
I shouldn't be too hard on SDSU though, their cheerleaders, though not overly memorable I don't recall being horrific either, nothing like the boring routine of Gonzaga - which I might note has not changed AT ALL in at least 4 years [I know it was the same this year and last, others I traveled with let me know about the previous 2 years]. SDSU had the most creative fans for sure and Gonzaga had the most annoying fans, in fact because of this I was a solid hoosier on Saturday afternoon.
*Of course the the montana/SDSU game didn't exist but made for the best example in the battle of the mascots.
Zags are overrated by who? Only three #3 seeds & two #2 seeds remain, and the Zags are in that bunch. I didn't have them to make the Elite 8, and VERY FEW analysts did either, expecting UCLA to win. Yeah, they were ranked #3 in the country before the tournament, but that's because the whole ranking system is screwed up, where teams that lose late in the season drop in the rankings...and the Zags don't lose games late in the season. It ain't their fault.
Zags have lost to 3 teams this year, all teams who are now in the Sweet 16. And even if they lose Morrison next year I think we'll see them back again. And the year after that. Downs, Kuso, Bouldin, Sacre, Gray...the Zags are recruiting better than they used to, so I expect them to stick around.
Gonzaga is a small Catholic school. Montana is a party school. There OUGHT to be a difference.
Netflix is THE BEST for catching up on old shows.
I always wanted to be a mascot. The closest I got was being Woodsy Owl for the Forest Service. "Hoot hoot!"
The last thing I watched was the first two hours of a friend's Battlestar Galactica (new series) DVD. Apollo is a boy. Starbuck is a hot girl. I've had no television reception for three years. Can't say I miss it. I saw a couple of episodes of Scrubs when I was on a plane last week, and those were cute. I don't like that I've become one of those snooty "I don't /watch/ teevee" people, but damn, it sure is nice.
Overall, TV is evil...turn it off! Do as I say, not as I do...right Birdflag.
I feel silly calling you this.
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