Standing on the Shoulder of a Giant

Friday morning I spent some time at a friend’s career day for his middle school. It was an eye opening experience. Children are our future, we should teach them well and let them lead the way. Luckily, I was in positive mode and didn’t spend my entire time convincing them Architorture is Dumb. Maybe this is because I had my yearly review on Thursday. It went well, they think I’m good at what I do. Or is it It went good, they think I’m well at what I do? Luckily, English is not part of my job.
I went back to work in the afternoon and started a new project, mainly because they can see I’ve banged my head against the wall for too long on the previous project and was in danger of Losing It. We had our office’s typical monthly Friday meting where we discuss the state of the company, and have some beer and chips. I had a Bridgeport, and unlike most days, the brew did not taste like liquid awesome. It dawned on me that those kids were still on my mind. How could I drink at work when I should be working for their future. I decided that I was done drinking. Done drinking for the kids.
After work I went to a sustainability gala, learned a couple things about Portland’s green community, had some horse douvers, but most importantly, I did not have any free Laurelwood beer. For the Kids, you see. The Future.
I got home and decided that spending time with any peers would stop my mission.
Any time spent with my former lush compatriots would be a step away from my task.
Friday night alone allowed me to watch Big Trouble in Little China. It was time well spent.
Saturday I got up refreshed and clear headed. The future was here, and it was mine.
I spent the time I would normally spend sleeping or practicing general hygene went into painting my front porch and working on my kitchen cabinets. It was productive and fun. I realized that in the future, The Kids will need a home. And if that home has a dingy porch and the kitchen cabinets are not green with brushed chrome pulls, The Kids will suffer. In the midst of some heat gun action, I got a phone call. It was my parents. Gstoph asked if I was sitting down, he had news to tell me. Previous sit down news has been: Death In The Family, We Bought Alpacas, No Matter How Much You Wish It Was True You Aren’t Adopted, That Lady Isn’t Really Your Aunt We Tricked You.
This time the news was even bigger: When Your Father Retires (Again) We Are Moving Out West.
They plan on moving to Olympia in about 3 years. This is pretty cool, but it means I only have 3 years to meet, marry and impregnate a girl (probably maybe in that order) before my mom comes out here and chases them all away. I needed some air. So I left the house for a little bit. I went to the park and threw the disc with my friend, a younger lady. She suggested seeing a movie afterwards, “The Breakup” because it would be funny. I suggested we should see “Hard Candy” because my clever assessment of the circumstances was funny. No one else got the joke. We saw “The Breakup”. We both went home early, and I watched “L4yer Cake”. Here’s my movie review. “L4yer Cake? more like L4yer Crap”. It’s sort of ironic that the worst band I’ve ever seen live is Brick Layer Cake. I went to bed still trying to comprehend the fact that my parents are moving out here. I think I want to keep their donkeys in my basement.
Sunday I got up and had an epiphany:
I have a new agenda, I am going to drink all the beer before the kids get a chance to. Their future is brighter It’s basically the same mission, BEER/KIDS/FUTURE. I’m just taking a different tack. A strong man, nay, a Regal man, knows when his life’s dream is but folly and must be amended. I am now drinking again. My grande ex machinations did last over 38 hours, so they were a full success. More news later…
Henry drives me to drink.
"It's all in the reflexes."
Wow - you had a productive weekend. My reasons for pursuing a dry lifestyle usually stem from poor decision making, hangovers, and thinking that I just don't need those extra calories. Kids be damned.
Thankfully I've always lived close to my parents, and when my mom isn't busy trying to set me up with some "cute, succesful" guy from their tennis club, she's trying to disuade me from playing frisbee, and getting me to cat sit.
Olympia is just far enough away - an ideal situation actually. You could always order a bride from Russia and adopt an African baby. At least they'll have a modern home and porch.
What's the url of a good Russian mail order bride company?
Or should I just use one of the ones that spams my email every day?
I'm cute and successful and I have cats. I do not play tennis, however I enjoy watching it on TV. Too bad your mom hasn't met me.
Unit, my mom already thinks I'm gay. So presenting you as a gentleman caller wouldn't help. She pretty much thinks I'm gay since I only hit on lesbians.
She hasn't figured out the logic yet.
Wait, I don't think I figured out the logic of you hitting on lesbians.
I thought gay guys didn't like lesbians.
maybe you've got a point, from now it's straight girls all the way!
But I do have a habit of turning them. I'm almost as good at turning straight girls gay as Ellen Degeneres is.
I guess I'll just have to take my chances, and go for the ones who look safe. First off, I have to stay away from any girl who drives a Subaru Forester, those are a dead giveaway.
On the other hand, if you are gay, you should get yourself a Miata right away so the other gay guys can find you more easily.
isn't a honda del sol kind a like a Miata too?
And does a subaru impreza count as a gay girl car? I hope not, I mean if so, then I might as well just join the roller derby.
The Subaru Impreza on Gran Turismo 2 is the sweetest car around. It is easy to build up, and the 4WD really helps when you start racing. You can trick it out until it gets a top speed of like 183 MPH. 0-60 in about 4.8. I highly recommend it.
(I have no clue what it's like in real life, L-Boogie gave me a ride once but we weren't racing anywhere.)
GT2 favorite cars....
Mitsubishi 3000GT: this is a great starter car. 4WD for pretty solid all-around handling. Can be souped up really quickly with turbo to 600+hp (as opposed to 400+hp on the Impreza), and can be used in rally races (though the Impreza is a better handling car in the rally stages).
Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Edition: makes GT2 too easy to beat, but this car is crazy. 981hp in GT2.
Ford GT40: drives like a dream
Toyota GT-One: ditto
Most annoying cars: Aston Martin. Yeah, their car sales went up with the release of GT & GT2, but these cars spin out on the turns ALL THE TIME. If you want to drive a RWD car, the Vipers & Corvettes are more manageable.
I could never get the hang of those MR cars. That's the GT40 right? It looked cool, all light blue and red stripes.
The Suzuki Escovedo Pepper Pot is hilarious. It weighs the same as an Econobox but has insane HP. It was the last thing I unlocked and I liked to go back and do the rinkiy dink open races with it. Let the other gars get a good thirty second head start and then still blow by them going 200 MPH.
I should try and find my memory card and come over race you sometime with my Impreza.
Yeah, the GT40 was one of the few MR cars I could keep on the road, probably because the response was a little slower than the other little MR cars. It had a funky rumble to the engine completely unlike the newer cars, and that sweet old skool paint job.
You could make the Escudo do a constant wheelie if you tweaked the downforce settings. Pretty hard to drive that way.
I wonder what it's like sitting between two turbo engines in a little Suzuki as it rips up Pike's Peak. Hot? Loud?
My favorite characters in Super Smash Brothers: Melee (SSB:M) are Sheik and Jigglypuff.
Sheik is a total badass. Possibly faster than Fox, but a longer reach. Bonus cool points for being able to transform into Zelda.
Jigglypuff is a giant pink floaty puffy ball. Her greatest move is the sleep move. If you hit on someone with >30% they go flying. You are however, asleep for a second or two afterwards. Best to do it on unsuspecting individuals in midair
Kyle's dad had/has a Miata...uh oh. Also had a Pulsar NX....uh oh.
Russian mail order brides are too demanding, look into Thai brides...more poverty means lower expectations and of course more happiness with her forced situation. Not sure there are companies yet, but many Sub-Saharan African are cool with multiple wives...had many propostion when I was there. Back to Russians, saw what must have been a mail order couple last summer at the BMV. 95-90 percentile HOT (probably really beautiful in 20s, but has seem some wear and tear) 30-something Russian woman (I became profficient at identifying by drinking with a Russian friend in grad school) dressed very contemporary with a dude, and I use the word dude on purpose, with a prototypical greasy mullet, black rock t-shirt stretched over a developing beer belly waiting for a marriage license. I really felt bad for her and could not help but imagine the life that brought her to this situation of what is a modern form of indentured servitude. Really made me want to "save" her from her perdicament....but alas I am happily married. I their marriage ends up like most American divorce.a
I knew a customer from the bar I worked at who ordered a bride. Korean or something. He was a red-nosed loser who I had to cut off way too many times. I wonder how that worked out.
Hey, anyone out there play Guitar Hero?
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