Thursday, August 18, 2005

I had some people over last night.

There was a small collection of my decent friends mixed in with the hoi polloi that should be kept away from polite society.
These charlatans befouled my soiree with topics such as:

-Introductions with the stunningly gauche "Who are you?"
-Discussions of the occurance, length and severity of menstrual flow.
-Descriptions of what looks like urination, and what does not.

Once again, the evening had to be saved by T-Unit, and his culinary expertise.
Luckily he brought jam, and the conversations of jam that would not be out of place in Savoir magazine. Do not let the visor fool you, he is High Society.

I was smart enough to bring Kerplunk, the thinking man's Jenga.
And "vAginas" defeated "little Boys" in Taboo. I contended the game should be completed under protest, because women folk have psychoempathic zones in their frontal lobes that help them more than the way that men carry an extra cognitive center in their reproductive member.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Who are You?" was me of course. Can't wait for the Spawnfest recap. Make up your mind, Cruise, Peter or Tony! Peter never emailed me back when I invited him to a soccer game a couple of weeks ago, so tony has pulled away just by a little in my book. Oh, that and his "special" friend is one of the coolest people in Portland (and shortest).


11:58 AM  
Blogger T-Unit said...

Is there going to be a Spawnfest prediction post? I love those. I'm glad my culinary super skills saved the day. Unfortunately, I missed out on the games, but count me in for anytime BANG! is being played.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spawnfest recap? Forgettaboutit. There's not even a Kleinman recap yet. What are you doing, Cruise? Working?

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed. I always enjoy a lively conversation about the intricacies of menstrual flow.

2:51 PM  

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