Ultimate Reach Around the World

Thought of this blog today. I work with an organization that does outreach work in rural Tanzanian villages (www.villagelifeoutreach.org) and we had a meeting for our Education Committee today. One of the volunteers had a great idea of bringing frisbees for the children because they are easy to pack and can be obtain free through corporate promotions. Because of the nature of my friendship with Kyle, my first thought was, "oh shit...I don't want to be responsible for spreading the deviant activity of ultimate frisbee to Africa!" Yes, I call it an activity and not a sport, no matter how in shape you must be (you all would hate me). However, a quick search reveals that I will not be responsible for the downfall of African culture...see picture of existing African ultimate team. The rural folks have not been exposed yet, so maybe I can have them throw the discs at trees...frisbee golf!
Do they play with a goalie?!?
Your post title is hilarious.
I'll do what I can to get you a bunch of discs this fall.
At least it's better than spreading football around the world. That sport is crazy. Every few years the world gets together and decides who's the best in the world. Trinidad and Tobago or Serbia and Montenegro. That's actually only two countries, not four different ones. I know, crazy!
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