World Cup Fever

I've got it. Do you? It's World. Cup. Fever. The only cure is more World Cup!
I've turned the World Of Cups into a drinking game.
Here's how you play:
-When some guy with a stupid haircut falls over holding his shin, acting like a sniper just capped him, take a drink.
-When a player dribbles the ball out of bounds, then picks it up himself to throw it in acts incredulous that it's not still his ball, take a drink.
-When a player with only one name gets a card, take two drinks.
-The contestant that can do the best irish or mexican accent gets to give out 4 drinks to other players.
-Every time a viewing contestant comments on the fact that these are the best players in the world and only 4 of them spread out over 8 teams can ever take a shot that doesn't end up missing the goal by 20 feet, has to take a drink.
Quit before the first half injury time to avoid alcohol poisoning.

I love that idea. However, I'm a huge fan of "soccer hair" so I don't know what you mean by "stupid haircuts." But if you're talking about the entire Ukraine team, I can see your point.
I'm not talking about a Kentucky Waterfall, or hockey hair, or any other version of mullet.
I'm talking about stupid haircuts like foreign people get. And everyone left in the world cup is a foreigner.
it's called a soccer rocker -- the futbol mullet.
We call our daughter's the Mudflap.
We call our daughter's the Mudflap.
Cut it.
Don't let her become another Terry Flick.
Funny you say the helmet mudflap going. Hair is super straight...and we already fitted her for her softball knee brace.
Okay, so here's the question.
When does the vaunted Parrillo/Fagan midfield start practicing?
Do you wait until yours are at least three, or do you not want to stunt Kayley's development and just go ahead and start them all on drills now?
(Also: Does it make you happy to see there's actually one player in the world cup who's bigger than you?)
The soccer rocker! Love it!
Kaeley is already dad is forcing...I mean helping her. She picked up her first yellow card this year for elbowing. Addy kicks the ball around also. Sophia still wants to pick it up, but will kick a bit. I am not that long as she stays away from frisbees. I do think those kids that play soccer turn out to be a bit more coordinated...not all.
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