I Can't Drive 55...

I just experience their kangaroo court in Bloomingdale, GA. I was supposedly clocked at 67 in a 45...I was not going over 60 since I thought it was 55; I was probably wasn't going over 55 since I was in a long line of cars. In any event, I was pulled over under very questionable circumstances. I was 'strongly' urged to go to court by the officer becuase "the judge will usuall help you out with points." So I went... and realized I was part of a scam to rake in money. EVERYONE'S (as a blanket statement before the 'judge' heard any cases) "speed was reduced" as to not add points to your license. In other words, they don't want any indicator of your ticket to go to the state or insurance companies so that they don't find out about their little money making scheme. SO, they jack up your speed, as to increase the graduated fine; a fine that can be only paid with cash or money order and have an ATM on site. Also, for a couple teenagers and college students, the judge gave them a choice of "a stiff fine" or "defensive driving school AND five visits to church." Absolutely rediculous.
I reported to the county DA. The woman who I was 'forced' to speak to told me, "honey, I know the judge personally, he isn't doing anything wrong." I argued around in circles for about 10 minutes about topics such as the correlation between church and speeding and misrepresenting speeds to increase fines and I was told I would have to go speak to that court. Boy, that should work. I have come to find out that everybody knows this about this town and look the other way. It was quite interesting.
Labels: ...since the cops clock you 15mph over your actual speed.
the adam i know would have outrun those cops.
you went soft.
I have kids, man...also the low country of GA is where you disappear when you cross the crooked cops and judge.
Insult to injury was that we had just stopped and gotten the girls a snack and were having perhaps the most enjoyable time ever in the car with our kids singing songs. Stupid cop.
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