Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reason For The Season

What would you like for Christmas?

Not that I'm going to get it for you, just so I know.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The quintisential post (part 1 of a 3 part series)

I'm sorry I've been so lax at posting recently, I'll try to stay on top of it more. You know, job, classes, friends, my boyfriend, church, these things all get in the way of getting my posts up regularly. You know, life. But I'm really excited to get back in to this! I was so stoked, I just couldn't sleep, so I just stayed up and wrote this whole post in one go! Mostly it is just my explanation of why I felt I had to get back into the blogging, what blogging means to me, yeah? It got pretty long, though, so I figured I'd break it up into three pieces.

So, again, sorry this took me so long, I'll post the rest real soon guys.


Monday, December 17, 2007

My own naked chef

So Kyle and I moved in together. It's been a week now. I'm not sure how much he's gaining out of the deal yet. But I gained a great cook, which for me, is wonderful. My dinners usually include heating, toasting, and spreading. Kyle actually puts ingredients together and creates yummy things. It's like living with that hot naked british guy, only he's from Ohio.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ol' Left Hander Heading Home

I know this is late, but it took me a little while to find this old letter to scan in. My family has a stong history of letter writing campaigns. From my mom campaigning to get off the BlackList at QVC, to my great aunt warning Regis about Kelly's secret ambitions, to my brother letting Les Schwab know that there is nothing funny about old people having to push cars out of the snow.

I'm pretty sure she sent this to get them fired after they said something bad about Johnny Bench, or good about Joe Morgan.

July 30, 1928 – November 15, 2007)

Thanks a lot Joe, you made me love baseball.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Beauty is a tricky beast

Using my keen artistic skills and layout ability, I made some changes to a picture of a not quite almost famous person. The software program Photography Shoptm is easy to use to digitally "manipulate" digital images in a digital format. I know this is kind of technical, so I'll use layman's terms now:

I changed where her mole was by drawing it in a different spot.

It's amazing how a few centimeters can change a lady from "decently purty" to "crotch goblin spwn from the sea hag"

Which do you think is hottest?



Time machines.
Everyone wants one, no one has one. If they had one though, maybe the best idea would be to go Back In Time you make sure it was never invented. Or forward in time to do it. I don’t know. It’s one of those circular logic deals that always make time machines in fiction so shitty. Go ahead and try and name one movie where time machines as a plot device didn’t make it suck.
But that’s neither here nor there.
I’m interested in hypotheticals instead.

If you could go back in time and give one piece of music to a person in the past, what would you give, and whom would you give it to?


Thursday, December 06, 2007


This is not for the ladies. Ladies don't use the turlets as far as I am concerned.
This is strictly for the fellas.

Okay, this is a series of semantics questions.

1-Rest room is vacant, where do you #1.

2-Restroom has occupant in location C, where do you #1
Bonus: where do you #2.

3-Where do you wash your hands.

4-You are doing #1 in location F.
A stranger enters the restroom and begins talking to you directly, and then proceeds to also do #1 in location E. What do you do.


froggy went a courtin
