Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Disc Golf: The Drinking Game

Yesterday while out at Pier Park, Mimi and I decided that Disc Golf should be a drinking game. As such, we started to make up the necessary rules. I'm going to give them to you now, if you think some need changing, then too bad it's my game.

Rules for 1 player teams, standard scoring:
1.) At the start of the round, you give the person to your left a name. For the entire round, that person must go by that name. If someone else uses the wrong name, they drink. This was the same game we played at the Against the Grain party last summer.
2.) If you drop your disc while walking, you drink
3.) If you hit a tree, you drink
4.) If you have the furthest drive, you drink
4a.) The Dick-Out rule still applies for shortest drive
5.) The person who wins the hole drinks the difference between their score and the next closest (If I get a 3, and the next person gets a 5, I drink 2)
6.) The winner gives out as many drinks as the highest score on the hole to whomever they choose
7.) If you hit chains and the disc does not go in, you drink

Rules for skins games/best disc
1-4 are the same
5.) The team who wins the hole drinks 1
6.) The team who wins the hole gives out as many drinks as the hole was worth. Note that a team is considered a single entity. You cannot give drinks to a specific person on a team. Example, Teams A, B, C. Holes 1, 2, 3, 4 are pushed. Hole 5 is now worth 5. Team C wins. They decide that Team A drinks 4 and Team B drinks 1. Team C drinks 1 for winning the hole.
7.) If you hit chains and the disc does not go in, you drink

PDGA Website

Memorial Day Weekend

How did you memorialize the 3-day weekend? I drank, slept, napped, drank, ate, and went to the gym a few times. It was epic.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My world is shatnered

While Kyle was overreacting to his interweb plug being pulled, my own world has been shatnered. You probably think I am going to throw out some more 9/11 gobbleygook, but this is more serious to the survival of mankind. MiniKiss and MiniCrue are the same minipeople! I am going to jump off a minibuilding.
Check out the buffalo stances. How can a minitribute band that doesn't play their own instruments open for themselves? Pulling double duty. SO...do they double up on the pay or get the same for their gigs? If they do double up, does this only add up to regular scale because they were only receiving half scale. Pretty clever, those mini fake muscians...gotta watch em!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's as if I were as One Dead.

Last time you heard from me, my firm was being evicted from our digs, and then I was headed up to the middle of WA to play some ultimate. Quick aside: I wonder if there are any Indian Casinos built on ancient Honkey Burial Grounds? If there are, I bet my ancestors are too lazy to haunt anything. Maybe forcing some Hispanic indentured servant ghosts to haunt for them. Quietly complaining about neighborhood to other Honkey ghosts. Guys all in mutton chops and powdered wigs, ladies with bustles and carrying fans or whatnot talking kinds of racist speak we don’t even know what they mean about like Tippecanoe and Tyler too or 54/40 and fight.

Now I come back to town and there is no contact with the outside world. Email is gone. Internets is gone. Phone is gone. I don’t know. It is difficult being cut off from the world. It must be how the metaphorical Cave-man felt in Olde Victorianne Tymes. Totally lost. Totally alone. Like Robinson Crusoe, as primitive as can be.
This small file, typed in Word, is to preserve some sort of rudimentary diary to document the collapse of society as we know it. Mayhaps in time yet to come, my words will form the Base and Mores of a New Society, one founded on Socialism, Hunting and Gathering for Nuts and also Berries, and the Music of The Kinks. Dear people of the future (or conquering aliens), despite what you may think of our advanced ancient world, there was in fact only one man who ever recorded music. His name was Ray Davies, and hopefully you’ll find my ipod somewhere near this note, then you can listen to his work.
Try using some sort of super technology you have to charge it up, as I’m sure the battery is dead from long time past in the eons gone by. I recommend listening to “Arthur: or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire” first, then moving on to “Percy”, “Lola, Powerman and the Moneygoround” or “Kind of Kinks” before you hit up “The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society” to get some perspective on how insanely wicked the whole oeuvre really is. Listen to “Shangri La” a couple times. That is called dynamics. It means the song changes pace to rock you out in between the mellow grooves, .

I’m going to go outside now and check to see if the USA Today box outside the front door is either =
A: on unlawful fire signifying a lawless state of martial law.
B: disintegrated by alien death x rays that can see through the Metal Box whilst destructivating paper and ink with heatless sun technology leaving not but ashe and vapour.
C: printed in Mandarin, confirming my greatest fear of the US of A has been successfully invaded by tiny oranges.

Okay, I’m back now.
Wow. It’s just my firm without the internet* connection. The world at large has kept on turning. The egg is firmly placed on my face.
The correct option was=
D: The USA Today was updated regularly signifying nothing has changed.

After the big move in the office, from 30 NW First Ave to 33 NW First Ave, evidently the Innernets were broken. It was only our firm that had no web service. I’ll just post this to the blog when it all gets running again.

Maybe the best way to recover is to just admit I over reacted. The world is not ending.
Since I was gone and incommunicado, please re-email anything you sent in the past 48 hours. The worst part of it is, I’ve missed out on all my instant messenger notices, and probably hundreds of contacts to my Match.com profile. (It’s “TaintBurglar44” if you want to point any lovely ladies or Filipino She-Males my way.)

Look forward to hearing from you again!

* you know how a photocopy is often called a “Xerox”, a tissue is a “Kleenex”, a hot tub is a “Jacuzzi”? I think the internet should just be called “Google” from now on. It makes more sense.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Capitol

I just returned from Washington DC. I was there for the Book Expo America conference. It was my first trip to our nation's capitol....and I have a few observations:

1) East coasters complain like no other--about everything and anything. Either West coasters are just more relaxed about life in general, or East coasters live very, very difficult lives.

2) DC is kind of like Las Vegas. Oh, there's the Washington Monument -- it can't be too far, only 10 blocks. Five miles later........... It's also kind of like Vegas b/c people get paid to swindle your money.

3) Coffee is horrible, and there are not nearly enough "good" coffee chains for the hoards of people in line for the precious few Starbucks.

4) Speaking of lines -- they are everywhere. I would probably go insane and crazy -- yes insane AND crazy if I had to live there and deal with lines all the time.

5) The East coast DOES know how to do bagels. Toasted and sliced both ways! Once throught he middle, and then again in half. That concept has not yet caught on here.

Feel free to add your own observations...........I'm jet lagged -- thank goodness for the 3-hour showing of King Kong on the plane ride back!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The path in the forest

Bookmark and read.

Friday, May 19, 2006


There has been much to do about something on this topic already, but must rehash. In Tony Snow's first White House press conference, he used the term 'tarbaby' multiple times. See transcript below or this video link: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/05/16.html#a8314.

SNOW: Having said that, I don'’t want to hug the tar baby of trying to comment on the program, the alleged program, the existence of which I can neither confirm nor deny.
QUESTION: What are your personal goals? What do you hope to achieve here? Will you continue to televise these briefings? And would you put into English the phrase (OFF-MIKE) the tarbaby?
SNOW: Well, I believe hug the tarbaby, we could trace that back to American lore.

This issue can be analogous in some ways to the argument about the Confederate flag being displayed on public property. Whether we are considering actual speech or symbols themselves, consideration must be given to the meaning that accompanies it. So, while people, for the most part do and should have the right to say and display symbols of their choosing, especially on their private property, in a public setting, consideration must be giving to public understanding.
This is why the displaying of the Confederate flag should not be displayed in public spaces, because it connotes slavery and racism to a large proportion of society. While some argue for cultural significance, which is valid in some respect, or that is stands for states' rights, which is also valid in some respect, the flag has grown to be synonomous with racism and oppression in the social lexicon.
This is the same for a term like 'tarbaby.' Many have pointed out that this term was originally used in American southern black lore and is not specifically racist. There is a kernal of truth, but nevermind this entire argument! The term was adopted into a racial and discriminatory lexicon that has all but eclipsed any original non-offensive meaning.
So...the newly appointed White House Press Secretary is so racist that this term is acceptable to use in a public forum. NO...this is only one extreme conclusion. While I cannot comment on whether or not Tony Snow is a bigot, it can be easily summized that he must be out of touch to the point of ingnorance to obviously offensive speech. Should not the most publically heard individual, the loud speaker of the administration, be somewhat knowledgable of acceptable public discourse. Of course, but he was plucked from Fox News which is not known for being in touch with reality.
The question: Are there commonly used terms that should be reconsidered because of their possible offensive nature?
Make this funny for I am not one to think that we should focus on restricting public expression becuase it is more valuable to experience the offensive expression instead of muzzling individuals. I would much rather know if someone has a problem with me for whatever reason so that I know not to waste time with them.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Quit denying the Boogie

Last week was all messed up. The end of it at least. After practice Thursday we went to Missahippy Pizza and got some pizza. Rids stone cold called me weak for drinking Hilife, like it’s some kind of kid beer. What-Evs. Then right as I was about to leave, some dude got up to do some hippity hop, and I hesitated. He starts singing, and I leave, then I look like el Racistisimo. I stay, I lose my ride. The obvious choice was to stand up strong and right as the guy starts his set, lower my head/raise one fist/shout black panthers 4 ever!

Interlude: Larry B. Scott should be more famouser.
He's dope.

Friday I come in to work. Taped on the door is an eviction notice. Frat guys are supposed to get evicted. Horselike people from Colorado are supposed to get evicted. Telemarketing scam offices are supposed to get evicted. Architecture firms that have been in the same location for 31 years are not supposed to get evicted. So packing all my shit and hauling other folks shit has been my modus operandi for the week. Hence my incommunicado serioso por la todo telemundo.

Friday night I unwound by listening to Kevin Kline play the oud, a lute from before the lute was around. An oud is a 5000 year old instrument.
The Oud

To put some perspective on that, the electric guitar has been around for 71, almost as long as Keith Richards.
The Ax

It was really interesting, and the people I went with are fabulous folks.
Thanks for telling me about it, I'm glad I went.

Saturday I don’t want to ramble about, but I met some girl that I tried to ignore because she looked like a dead ringer for my ex girlfriend. Same sunglasses, haircut, skirt and top, had some random injury just like her. Similar speech patterns too. Well, I try to keep my distance, but she keeps flirting* with me, and then invites me to come to her house for a cookout. I mention it sounds nice, and then she says “I have to go now to meet up with my boyfriend.”

People are weird.

* I know flirting, it happens very rarely to me, so I do know when it happens.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Weather Days

Here is a concept that I intend to implement when I run my own business: Weather Days. Not inclement weather days, just weather days. I envision them similar to the PTO (paid time off) system. Whereby you get say 4 "weather days" per year. Now, it's up to you if you want save them for bad weather in the winter, or use them on sunny, beautiful days!

Why should the bad weather earn you a day off?? If I have a 4-wheel vehicle or want to take the bus, I should be able to save my weather days for a day like today!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bring it on to the movies

It's time for everyone to go see "Stick It". http://stickit.movies.go.com/
Mindo, Ashish, and myself are going.

Here are the details:
Tuesday Night, 7:35 at the Lloyd Center Cinema

There is no spring league this night, so no one has an excuse why they can't be there. I especially expect L-Boogie to show.

How the hell'd we get here?

Today at work the money guy who talks to us about money for when we're not working by putting money into other companies came and talked to us about saving money by giving it to him.

Which brings up an interesting philosophical question:
If a bear that was twice as big as a normal bear were to fight a 3/4 sized tiger made entirely of metal, which animal would win? For arguments sake assume that both animals are of the same sex, and that the metal tiger could move, it wouldn't just be a statue.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Move Somethin'

The pending deal to sell my house has fallen through, so if you know anyone in Cincinnati looking to buy a reasonably priced move-in ready house direct them to http://www.cbws.com/property/propertydetail.aspx?property=6a2e0162-8d5f-4a5d-afaa-f60cfa9f80d3

To quote Stephen Colbert - "Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?"
So...what is it about the state in which you live that makes people want to flee the Earth?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Evoluton of Krunk

This is partially a cut and paste from my comments on the last topic...
I am home with the baby and flipped it onto the Tyra Banks Show. I have seen plenty of people make fun of this show and have caught a few moments myself. Yes...this show appeals to retards (ol' skool meaning). What is getting me, though, is that she has on a group of "ground breaking" Krunk dancers to show some specific moves. First, krunk is not innovative, it is just an extension or a form of bboy breakin'. Second, if this is a dance innovation, I invented it in 1994-1995 when I was the Bearcat mascot! Because of suit restraints and other things, my bboy inspired dancing encompasses the same movements and even specific moves as "Krunk". Wow...a white guy from Cincinnati invented this dance revolution...who knew?
So...what innovation, product, idea, or general creation did you come up with long before the official incarnation?

Gotta point out again that Alan Houston was a guest star on Clifford's Puppy Days on PBS. You parents know what I am talking about.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Stingray Grape

I want one of these. Is that so wrong?

Friday, May 05, 2006

I like Holidays

I have no idea what any of this has to do with mexico.
But, of course I believe in The Quality, so I'm doing my part.
So here's to Cinco de Mayo, and viva la raza and remember the a la mode.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Best Thing That Happened Last Weekend

Stephen Colbert strikes from within the lion's den.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Monday, May 01, 2006

Time the Avenger

Here's why the GIjoe ladies aren't hot, check her out. Baroness keeps it clean by getting dirty. She's naughty.

But this brings me to my main point. Here's the question. I want this one to get riled up, because I honestly think it is the one topic where people don't follow the party lines. Liberals can show their true colors just like the Conservatives always do on this one. So here's the question.

What did you think of "Day Without Immigrants"?

Now, Rockit.