The following is the full, unedited exchange that developed between me and my former Masters advisor. Originates from a third individual's post abount Bush (perhaps unfairly in this context) on our department's listserv and devolves into something very different. Backgroud is that he is an alcohoic that has been "born again." Thought it might spur thoughts and comments.
Third Party
Our esteemed president recently had an interview with NPR. The following is an excerpt of the end of the session:
MR. WILLIAMS: Mr. President, I want say thank you from National Public Radio.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Juan, thank you, buddy. Glad you're here.
MR. WILLIAMS: I appreciate it, sir.
MR. WILLIAMS: Thank you again.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Camera's off?
Actually, NPR frequently videotapes radio interviews for use in future documentaries.
Of course it all depends on what the definition of "is" is.
any mispeak or questionable actions must be forgiven because Clinton played fast and loose with the language? in the context that this argument is usually raised, this would be a logical fallacy since there is not relationship between the herring, I believe. of course, the example could be given that other leaders who have much greater grasp of the language even make mistakes....except that Clinton's was not a gaff, it was planned legal symantics, which is what happens in the legal system. so the conclusion is that Bush has regular difficulty with speaking in public forums, such as repeatedly mispeaking common sayings or using the same repetitive language, which is in no way is related to Clinton. perhaps, there can be a different discussion revolving around policy, so lets just lay this baby to rest.
(Takes a strange turn here)Advisor
Nonetheless, I admire you Adam, becuase I too tried to be an atheist but I just didnt have enough faith to be one.
you assume me to be an athiest from this exchange? interesting. you may have super powers.
AdvisorI assune it from many of your writings not this one but especially the ones with the anti-christian overtones.
wow...i would love to see those anti-christian overtones....or is it that bush criticisms equate to anti-christian for some?
Wasn't it you who gave an AAG talking blaming chrisitan missionaries for getting in your way. Wasn't it you who characterized faith as "closing one's eyes and hoping"? Do you need more...?
is faith always in context of religion? debating the nature of faith is not necessarily a religious debate and especially not necessarily ananti-christian position. evidentially did not hear the discussion of my Tanzanian work and the context of the issue as shown by your misinformed statement about it. It was not christian missionaries who "got in the way." in fact, the position of my discussion was that communication and transportation networks previously established for a particular utility (religious message) often become available for other agendas of interations. This draws on some work from Andy Wood on oil industries utilizing such networks. SO, it was actually a menonite christian missionary network that enabled our organization's efforts in the particular geography and continues to provide us with support. It was the newly "elected" local bishop that created an issue. He wanted to explicitly control our efforts and even went as far as eliminating positions of those within the menonite church that work in conjunction with us. Therefore, there was no blame of anything...just local power politics playing out...all is now well. Thanks for asking.
In any event, you seem to misinterpret one or even possibly two instances of poking at the pronounced hypocrisy of some so-called christians as condemnation. Overall, lets be serious. Christians are the majority, by far, in this country. They encompass all walks of life and all spectrums of political ideologies. Christians are not persecuted in this country unless you CHOOSE to believe the rhetoric that they are. Don't worry. I am sure the Christian faith will survive my influence.
To conclude this...I will let you know specifically where I stand. I was raised Catholic and was confirmed, though I never bought into the belief. I have done much of my own research of Christian history and evolution. I don't claim to be more enlightened than any other human, but admit that I fall into the human condition of scoffing at extreme instances that seem silly to me. Further, I admittedly have some contempt for those who lack understanding of the history and even docterine of a belief system that is claimed to be central to their lives. Central to your assessment; naked hypocrasy annoys me and I address this with sarcasm and will not resist in lampooning an individual of power that I feel falls into this category. Finally, I like to push buttons when others post statments that are intended to evoke response. As you can see, I cannot resist the opportunity to debate topics and over explain myself. Hopefully this concludes this exchange.
Let me ask you a simple question. If you were driving towards downtown Cincinnati and your car broke down near Republic street in "Over the Rhine" And 5 large guys dressed in gangsta clothing were approaching you, Would it matter to you to know that they had just come from a bible study as they were approaching you?
Your simple question is loaded and silly.
First, you forward the sad postion that black men dressed in hip hop gear are scary. Sorry, I am friends with what you describe. No, not people that live in OTR, but I have friends and acquaitances that live in other "unsavory" neighborhoods which have lived a very different life than me. Much of my college years, and still on irregular occasions, were spent with people matching your description.
In the situation, unless you see them coming from the bible study, there is no way to know (this is what makes it silly). Sure, I would think that bible thumpers would be less likely to harm me becuase of the prevailing thought that they are impotent in violence. however, i am a realist knowing that all types go to church and committ crimes, even violent ones, every day. further, i won't debate that chuches and religion try to advance a generaly morality that is mostly acceptable do many other organizations in society that have no religious or christian base.
in a strange neighborhood at night, confronted with whatever type of character would make me uneasy (maybe skinheads, right to lifers, or gang of drunk party clowns) i would feel better if they came out of many different venues. coffee shop, bookstore, computer store, pta meeting, environmental group headquarters, islamic mosque, strip club, etc...many venues for various reasons. also, i have walked though OTR on many occasions between the hours of > 12-4am. In college, I used to go to an after hours club and had to walk > blocks from parking. I have also walked to my previoius apartment in clifton from main street on 5 or 6 occasions. in general (situations differ), i don't fret people on the street...most people are not sociopathic criminals. it is unhealthy to spend life in fear.
look, lets just agree to disagree on whatever you hope to extract from me. christians aren't evil because people aren't evil. people are people, no matter what they believe or profess to believe. don't you sleep?
Who said anything about them being black?
I should have figured you would play know exactly what image you were attempting to conjure in your description.