Basketball Diaries

The fundamentals of modern basketball suffer from the same socioeconomic system that produces extreme wealth disparities and a permanent underclass that does not have the same cultural access to societal resources.
What is And1 Basketball? - It is playground basketball.
So, if this style is being adopted by youngsters at a larger scale than previously, what are the factors that influence this. My hypothesis:
This is streetball that has developed out of urban centers, urban centers that have been in decline since the 1970s. This is where much of the social underclass has been located.
Wherewhan do kids learn about team sports? - In schools or community based sports league that tends to come with some type of "expert" coaching/instruction.
Who pays for these programs? - People in the community/taxpayers. In an area that is economically depressed, people cannot pay for luxuries like organized sports. There has been a lack of community programs and these athletic programs (along with music programs) are the first to be cut from struggling school districts.
If there is no organized outlets, kids learn in the street and will focus on those skills that are important in that setting, i.e. crazy dribbling moves (no ref=no traveling) instead of setting screens, dunking instead of jumpshots.
Still, why has this migrated to suburban areas and had a larger effect on basketball? - This style of basketball is flashy and individualistic and this is attractive to youngsters. Also correlates with an culture that inspires individualism over teamwork and cooperation.
In summary, issues with basketball, such as the propogation of street style basketball, are a symptom of socioeconomic pressures, NOT the cause of those issues. What could be said is that And1 expoit and profit off this outcome and therefore assist in its cultural spread since it now generates capital profits for investors.
The real do you deal with this phenomenon?