Tuesday nights I have been going to trivia night at New Old Lompoc Brewery. It’s a fun team; my friends Jill, Chris, Angie and John. This week we were joined by John’s partner Sean, and John’s acquaintance Scott. The rules are 30 questions read aloud, answers written on a sheet of paper. 1 point for a correct answer 2 points for a bonus.
First fifteen questions read by Katie Shimer, second fifteen by Neona. Neona always has serious trouble controlling the crowd. Here’s the questions, see how you would stack up against our team. Winner gets a pitcher of beer. My job is to write down the team’s answers, and also provide cartoons in the margins.
1-What constellation is known as the archer?
2-What is the state dog of Pennsylvania?
3-What was Allan Bean famous for in 1969?
4-The El Camino was made in response to what Ford motors vehicle?
At this point, the guy named Scott, that only one of us knew, started bitching about me not writing down his answers.5-Fans of what deceased sports star wear black shirts with the number 3?
*6-Rolling Stone quote blah very long dumb question skip it.
Scott is now mad at me that we won’t put down Michael Jackson, even though the team has voted Bruce Springsteen as our answer. For the record, I think the answer is Michael Jackson also.7-What is a hoagie called in Vietnam?
Scott is still complaining, that he feels like he is not part of the team.8-Socrates was sentenced to die by what method?
9-Where are the winter Olympics held? Bonus: What are the names of the mascots?
10-What are the names of the Fox weeknight anchors?
11-When was Black history month started? Bonus: When does it occur in England?
Scott gets indignant that we use his answer. I tell him that “We will use your answer for the bonus question. It will be my version of 40 acres and a mule, as a gift to you, but I still think the answer is Blacktober.” At this point it might help the story to mention that Scott is African American. His choice is February. The one answer everyone knows that it isn't.12-Who recently declared in a Vanity Fair interview that he grew up in a family of swingers and was encouraged to be nude at all times?
Scott appears to hate all of us, including John.13-What was the name of Adam Sandler’s controversial character that was molested by Alec Baldwin in a SNL skit?
14-What Spanish island is known for its party atmosphere?
This quesion was much longer, I forget the other details.15-What late 80s rocker was originally known as William Baley?
16-What is the name of Isaac Brock’s record label?
17-What was the first book published by Betty Friedan?
18-What song did Paul McCartney record for a James Bond movie?
*19-Mr. Something or other is the president of what men’s entertainment company?
20-What are the colors of the rainbow?
21-Who’s record for longest run in superbowl history did Willie Parker beat?
22-Who invented the aqualung?
Neona begins flirting with table next to us full of frat guys.23-In tudor England, what did a low cut neckline, and long sleeves indicate?
24-Who wrote the song “ A boy named Sue?”
25-Where is Wayne’s World supposedly filmed?
Scott is still glowering at me because I am just writing down answers that I know are correct without consulting anyone.26-What European city beat out Tokyo for highest cost of living?
27-In Battlestar Gallactica the current president was previously in charge of what?
*28-I was yelling at the frat guys during this question.
29-How many teams are in the Portland Roller Derby League? Bonus: Name them.
30-What are the three mineral elements of soil composition?
Our 5 week win streak is broken. How did it happen? Well, John is sheepishly glancing down since he changed my correct answer for the last question. So we came in 2nd, losing 16 to 17. Frat guys scored 10 points. Next week we should return to dominance since Scott will probably not drag us down.